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  1. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    Its hard to understand some points about chickens lol. Geese to. Our chickens yes they usually get under cover when its raining if their not free ranging but if their allowed to free range they don't seem to care all the time. During heavy rain theyll take cover but light sprinkle/rain they I...
  2. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    Update: Goldy is back to acting normal. But now that I'm watching them closer I'm definitely seeing much more molting as the days go by. Our little runt is being hit the hardest is seems. Half of her back is missing feathers now. And little miss Rosemary has some patches by her wings missing...
  3. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    She seems to be acting a little better today. We had good weather and most of the snow in the extended run was melted so instead of feeding in the feeders I toss the majority of feed onto the ground and she was happily pecking away with our rooster next to her. After that I let them out and...
  4. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    She may be going through a soft molt then. After returning home from grocery shopping today I went out to feed and was watching them longer than usual because we got timothy hay cubes while out and wanted to see if our geese would eat it soaked but that doesnt seem to be a immediate concern as...
  5. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    @aart Their all less than a year old for sure. Um... I don't have the exact dates with me right this moment lol so im not 100% positive But if I remember correctly.... Buff orpington, gold lace wyandotte and black australorps are all march babies. Not 100% sure on day. I think it was 24th. So...
  6. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    (Older picture) Our EE Goldy (The girl in the back by the chicken door) Has had an odd change in behavior. I'm trying not to concern myself to much since she doesnt seem "sick" but it brought up some questions about the change. First off I feel like I haven't seen any of her bluish green eggs...
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