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  1. Fallenone05

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    Whats the big blue and orange guy? A Wyandotte or Wyandotte mix?
  2. Fallenone05

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I have one that also looks like a Welsummer. She's a Starlight Green Egger or some new fangled Easter Egger mix.
  3. Fallenone05

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    It wasn't a complaint necessarily - they're just wondering why a breed advertised as something that lays brown was laying green eggs. That'd be weird to see when you're expecting something entirely different, like something is potentially wrong with the bird.
  4. Fallenone05

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    If you'd like to find who is laying what the easiest, put food dye on their booties and put colored zip ties to identify which hen had what color(s). Like if you make purple dye, put red + blue zip ties on one leg. Some people use lipstick (gross) or water-soluble, non-toxic paint on their...
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