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  1. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    @Doudna2163 ikr? her personality was the first to emerge as well as her coifed hair. re: leg color. I got a couple pics of the OE's legs: and a pic of one of the other supposed Barred Plymouth Rocks. The look the same to me.
  2. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    @Liz Birdlover that's a great set of pictures, thanks for sharing!
  3. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    yea, I grew up in Orange County, NC. Known for it's red clay soil. Our other endeavor here is growing mushrooms to sell. Just started this year so nothing happening yet. We've 5 acres 80% covered in Oak and Hickory. We just bought the place a year ago and the previous owners didn't do anything...
  4. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    The chickens do get everything except things described on different lists here on this forum. It's mostly coffee grounds and onion skins going in the compost. But, apparently these chickens are picky...they turn their nose up at a lot of things for whatever reason. They wouldn't even eat some...
  5. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    Yea, it did look bluer as compared to white paper. gotcha. re: composting: we're in southern Indiana...the soil on this property is complete garbage some places it is 'clay' and not 'clay like'. So, everything goes into the compost to be tilled in where we want to garden this spring. I...
  6. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I thought I'd post a pic of one of the opened olive eggs before they go to compost. Someone said something about blue shell on the inside. These look pretty white with just color on the outer part of the shell? Or, what am I missing. We are still getting 1 olive egg a day, which seems to...
  7. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I ran into that with the 8 Rocks I ordered from Hoovers...the same batch you see here that now has the Olive Egger from the same batch. I learned the stats about sexing them at that time and understand that. But, stats wise, that means 20% of the order was incorrect. If I get males in the...
  8. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    @NatJ I understand the issues with shipping. My comment was that for my purposes, I want to get 16 or so chickens started in early spring of 2024, and maybe another 16 in late spring if finances allow for the buildout of a 3rd coop system this year. If not, then spring 2025. Then, the 1st...
  9. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I don't think I've have really been complaining. As a first time chicken buyer, I've just been trying to figure out how it works. As someone with over a decade in retail and another 20+ years in service trades; delivering on what you say you are selling is important to me. I just didn't...
  10. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I've seen that. I think it's a $45 surcharge for the small batch. That puts the price per chick really high. I'm aiming to have 50 chickens for production by the time I'm done with the buildout in 2024/2025. I think they 3-6 with a premium surcharge is aimed at the backyard chicken keeper.
  11. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    cool stuff. And, Cackle is new to me. I've had Hoover, Murray, and Metzer bookmarked so far. I went with Hoover because they had lower minimum orders than the others at 15.
  12. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    So, Hoover's response was that their line of BPR's is 'heritage' and there shouldn't be any mixed breeding...but then when I sent pics she acknowledged something had gotten in the mix because of the crest. But, otherwise didn't offer any explanation except 'due to high volume...blah, blah, blah'...
  13. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    One olive egg, 5 brown. 1st day of 6 eggs, too. All laid in a 3 hour span mid-morning.
  14. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    I finally caught the crested one in the nesting box. We'll see what's there later. I did talk to Hoover's this morning and sent them some pics.
  15. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    Thank you for everything you've said. I am new at this and actually expected to get what I ordered. It seems that OE's are cold hardy like BPR's so that's fine but it looks like the production is significantly less. I am aiming to have a total of 50 chickens by the middle of 2024 and am wanting...
  16. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    ok, we just cross posted so I didn't see this till after my last post. I'll call Hoover's tomorrow. Thank you.
  17. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    ok. so, just to be clear, I'm not trying to be aggro on anyone. And, I realize, other than a DNA test, no one can be sure. However, how does a crest mean she's an OE? I don't have a camera on the nesting box or inside the coop but she's the last chicken I'd expect to be laying; period. Mind you...
  18. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    ok. I'm not disagreeing. But, what criteria are you using for that assertion? I know for pretty sure I've never seen her in a nesting box or otherwise laying. Her bouffant hair is immediately identifiable. Also, after the recent move to the new, larger coop (8x8) and run (8x40) We've gotten more...
  19. MMelton67

    Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?

    well, there is the one Rock that got her 'hair did' and has a poofy bit of feathers I thought were part of the 1st molt but months later she still has the 'do' and less of a comb than others. But, I also can't say that I've ever seen her nesting. She's also the most adventurous/sassy of the...
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