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  1. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    Hi! Poor girl... and she is so cute...! Just... : make sure DE stays dry for it to work! ...How is your hen, now?
  2. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    Hi. Concerning food grade Diatomaceous Earth again, I was observing my chickens and my ducks for some months... Just to see if they might feel DE is good for them, and would thus prefer to eat their food mixed with it...? And for now, I can confirm my birds do prefer their food to be mixed...
  3. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @dawg53 : Hi again. I saw you removed some of your comments, notably the one where you answered to me having severe allergies by precising the fact that DE was doing that to my/our "innards"... So... since you removed your comments AND did not respond to me (yet?) about your source... do I...
  4. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @BDutch : Hi! We are almost neighbours...!! I do wonder why some people don't think food grade Diatomaceous Earth does not work... but I am more curious by the fact some of these people would preconize toxic products renowned more harmful than DE could be to replace it... That's so not...
  5. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    Hi! @dawg53 : I could tell the same to you because you use Permetrin, you know? ...I am being very, very careful, so... I have used food grave Diatomaceous Earth for years, without any problem... and I have asthma! But again : you did not answer to me. Where is your source concerning the...
  6. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @dawg53 : Hi again! You did not answer to me... Could you just tell me your source concerning the fact that food grade Diatomaceous Earth could cause the kind of severe allergies I have developed...? Because I have searched for hours, in different languages, and I did not find ANY information...
  7. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @dawg53 : I never heard about Diatomaceous Earth causing severe allergies like mines...? Could you source that, please? (But whatever : I'm being very careful, and certainly not using enough DE to cause me harm... even though I regurlaly mix DE in my chickens food, since I use all precautions I...
  8. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @littlecoopnextdoor : Merci! Thank you! (I am answering to you in English in order to let people understand what I write. Do tell me if you prefer French!!) Yes... red mites are mites, but in English, I would have only used this term specifically to refer to the mites responsible of scaly leg...
  9. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    @Ursuline Chick : Hi! Thank you! (I love your pseudo.) The fact chickens could breath Diatomaceous Earth is the only thing I don't like about this product... But I'm lucky to live in a very windy place. So, I can at least make use of the wind when I put DE on the chickens by doing it opposite...
  10. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    ...Also, could somebody have the kindness to tell me if lice and mites are the same? I'm confused about English here... For me, lice are not mites; but I found on the Internet that was not the same in English...? Am I mistaken, or...? When I write "lice/mites", I think about the same kind of...
  11. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    Hello! @dawg53 : I would actually use Diatomaceous Earth to treat "a belly full or worms", yes. Especially since I don't trust most doctors... And even if I would like to go to the hospital anyway... the nearer hospital that could treat emergencies is at an hour's drive from my home. And that...
  12. Papaye

    About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

    Hi! So... I kind of did not know where to post that... ...I noticed (some) Americans seem to like using chemical products to heal their chickens... am I wrong...? But elsewhere in the world, we don't have always access to these chemical products... and when we do, they can be ridiculously...
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