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  1. nuthatched

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Bing Create White hen dressed as the ice queen in a wintery forest with a lamp post and hot drinks.
  2. nuthatched

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Bing Create White hen dressed as the ice queen in an icy forest, with Turkish delight and hot drinks.
  3. nuthatched

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Binh create 1930s illustration of a red hen and red rooster suggling under the mistletoe.
  4. nuthatched

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Bing Create Three speckled hens wearing Christmas scarves riding a toboggan down a snowy hill
  5. nuthatched

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Feathered Holiday Dreams, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Bing Create Little white hen wearing a dickens Christmas bonnet next to a gingerbread chicken coop in the style of 1940s illustration
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