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  1. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Pardon, I was more referring to this:
  2. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    I should have bought some fish MOX last week! The link you posted has been taken down since you posted!!
  3. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Hi all, thanks for your input. The vet said the white thing is a like a corneal scab (ulcer?). She said he's thin. She could not see to the back of the eye to test his sight because the injured area blocked it, hence probably blind. She prescribed amoxicillin (like you said), tobramycin drops...
  4. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Hi all, it doesn't look like he's healing. They eye still has that hard white object protruding from it (I cant tell if its a piece of corn lodged in the eye, or a mycoplasma growth). The eye is still producing some clear gunk, but no more yellow opaque gunk. He is still chatty but he didn't eat...
  5. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Brahma rooster is loving his tuna rice-a-roni leftovers! Also, he does appear to now be operating the eyelids on the injured eye, for the first time since the injury.
  6. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Nice call @azygous! I moved his crate into the nesting trailer, and he instantly started crowing nonstop, and eating. He is acting much happier. (His Brahma hens from his cohort are also in that part of the barn with the trailer. The rooster that injured him shared the same previous barn space.)...
  7. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Thanks again for the info. OK, got the pus out - thank you - there is still some white tissue on the top of the eye (the corner of his eye towards his beak). When I pull on that, there is some blood showing at its root, like it is attached to the eye. Should I forcefully remove this tissue?
  8. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    OK, thanks. Is penicillin ok or does it have to be amoxicillin? This is what I have on hand and can start with him today (orally administered): I also have liquid norocillin. His cage is in the middle of the barn with his hens...
  9. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    I'm afraid to go in and pull stuff out as I might be pulling out his eyeball, or eyeball tissue. ???
  10. goats-n-oats

    Brahma rooster blinded by pecking injury - when or if to reintroduce to flock, or seek veterinary care?

    Hi, this gentle giant was blinded by a direct pecking injury from another rooster, maybe three weeks ago. I have been cleaning out the crud from his eye once or twice a day. Applied Terramycin each time for two weeks, now switched to Vetericyn antimicrobial eye wash. Also gave him oral...
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