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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    I'm sorry the vet visit didn't go very well. It's good that they did examine the eye more closely to check for any more debris. I do hope he does regain some sight in the eye, but if not, he should be able to learn how to adapt and manage o.k. It's good news he's improved so much, he has...
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    I hope the visit goes well tomorrow. Please do let us know how it goes. I'm glad to see you report he's walking around and eating.
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    Is there a way to inspect the eye again? Swaddle him in a towel so his wings and legs are fairly secure, leave his head where you can get to him. Lay him on a table, then working with warm saline compresses, saline to flush and a good light, work the eye open and see it there's a splinter or...
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    Getting outside is a great idea, even for just a short period of time. And yes, if he's paying some attention to the ladies, that is good for him! Please keep us posted on how he's doing.
  5. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    I'm glad to hear he's improving some! I'd definitely continue with the Vitamin E. Take care not to give a lot of Selenium, usually there's enough in eggs or tuna to help with the uptake of E. If you haven't done so, I'd also start giving him 1/4 tablet B-Complex, the B Vitamins are helpful...
  6. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    I'm glad you were able to find the wood chip in the eye and remove it. I'd try flushing the eye with saline, then open it up wide, see if there's anything else in there. He's laying down with his head flat on the ground/floor? But he can still lift the head some when he stands. Any chance...
  7. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    Poor guy! I would finish the antibiotics, give the vitamin therapy and follow the directions from the vet. It does sound like he's improving some since he's beginning to eat on his own. I do agree, it looks like Wry Neck which is a symptom. Does he have any infection in the ears too? Any...
  8. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    He's a beauty. I would think it's related, but hard to know. I'd definitely try the vitamin therapy that was suggested and see if that helps. Any chance he got his head caught somehow and injured his neck? I had a pullet one time get her head hung in fencing and her neck was fairly droopy...
  9. Wyorp Rock

    Cockerel can’t raise his head

    Photos of him and his eye? What antibiotic did the vet give you - only one pill or giving daily? Is there pus in the eye? You mention she debrided the eye - are there bubbles in the eyes, any other symptoms like coughing, wheezing, mucous? Any mucous, lesions, canker, yellow or white pasty...
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