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  1. Nabiki

    Unwell quail - please help :)

    If there was a blockage, I don't think she'd be pooping. For example, if she were egg bound, she wouldn't be pooping. The ACV may help, but it will take some time to make a difference. Did the article that 007Sean link to help you figure out whether it's sour crop or impacted crop? Did you...
  2. Nabiki

    Unwell quail - please help :)

    @007Sean ? I have been fortunate enough to have never dealt with sour crop, but I have tagged someone with a lot more experience than I have.
  3. Nabiki

    Unwell quail - please help :)

    See if you can find an all flock crumble and give her calcium on the side. What you're giving her is intended for chickens. Quail have different nutritional needs from chickens. While adult coturnix may do okay on chicken layer feed, if they have problems, they need proper feed. For now...
  4. Nabiki

    Unwell quail - please help :)

    What kind of crumbs is she eating? Lettuce is a treat, and treats should not be more than 10% of her diet. The poop sounds like normal poop for a bird that is not eating. See if you can get some Nutri-drench for her. Is she eating the egg yolk? Boiled and crushed, right? Pictures of her...
  5. Nabiki

    Unwell quail - please help :)

    Let's start by getting some more information: 1 - What kind of quail? I'm guessing coturnix, but it's best to be sure. 2 - How old is she? 3 - What does her poop look like (pictures would be best) 4 - What are you feeding her? 5 - What is her home like? 6 - Are any of your other quail showing...
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