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  1. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Thank you @Antiocheggers. :hugs
  2. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Me toooo! Setting day, candling day, 2/3rds day, lockdown day, hatching day! They are all so exciting :wee
  3. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Less than 24 now!!!!! The incubators will be sanitized and plugged in today to be ready for the little eggies tomorrow morning. Then I'll sanitize the eggs right before setting tomorrow. Safety first!
  4. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    🥳 I'm so thankful for all the hope, fun, and excitement through this bumpy patch. I'm super excited to see what hatches from your eggs and also what you get from mine! Your eggies are supposed to arrive today!!!! I already have permission from my boss to leave early tomorrow to go pick up...
  5. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yay Chonkers and Fizzy chicks! The two Chonkers chicks I have are HUGE! They dwarf the silkies. Seargent Pepper isn't growing much, he's half the size of the other silkies and even the bantam Ameraucanas are bigger than him now. I have high hopes he'll be ok though.
  6. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yes! I'm so excited to maybe get a Marsha :love I will love every single one that hatches, no biases toward a Marsha baby... never... :lau I am also hopeful for a chocolate as I'm having trouble getting good chocolates to start a chocolate pen with. Maybe I'll just have a mauve + chocolate...
  7. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    That's amazing the adults didn't fuss. The chicks fight, some more than others, and they are so tiny and hard to hold. I can't say it went perfectly, I will share here that we lost two, we were using the vaccine gun but placing the needle correctly was harder to feel. We got through about a...
  8. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Oh, just one shot, although I have heard of people doing a second round 2 weeks later. I had 1 week old and 8 week old chicks when I learned my flock had Mareks, so I vaccinated them "late". The older birds were way easier to vaccinate than the day old chicks, they are SO tiny and you have to...
  9. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    I guess it's time for an update. Since my last post I have had 1 symptomatic cockerel who we ended up culling just a couple weeks ago. Out of my 14 silkies, I have now lost 2 cockerels and 6 pullets. It is so hard knowing there's nothing I can do to fix them and make them better. I've been...
  10. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Everyone who was non-symptomatic going into the cold weather is still doing great, I did add a second heat source last night to give a little radiant heat to the tooshy feathers of the outermost chicken, I put it about 5" from him. It's a little cozy coop heater, and when I looked out later...
  11. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    They just updated the weather with a wind chill advisory from now through tomorrow morning, wind chill at -10, I think I'll lock the chickens in their coops to keep the drafts down over night. I've been leaving the coop doors open, but I think this calls for a lockdown 🥶
  12. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Small update, I set up pens, separated everyone into the groups I wanted, and now it's supposed to get to 4 deg tonight, we're in a cold snap that is supposed to last until the weekend. So, to help make sure they stay warm enough, they are all back in together in the most protected pen that...
  13. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Thank you! Pens will be set up tomorrow 😃
  14. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    No new eggies today, I have my 4 precious little eggies stashed in my cool basement. I think their collective name is Hope ❤
  15. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    If nothing else, hopefully I can learn something that can help someone else. I'm thankful for finding the eggs today, it gives me something happy to focus on and distract me from the loss. If the vaccine is all that is needed, then there are close to no worries. Just have to deal with the ups...
  16. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yes! I was thinking of penning her (chocolate frizzle) alone with one unrelated cockerel (blue satin), then I could see if she's even laying. The other three pullets are from the same breeding pen as the blue satin, so I was going to put them with the black frizzle cockerel who is from the...
  17. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    It's just crazy, I look at them for any signs of sickness, they all run over to me and chatter and bebop around, then the next day they can be off balance. This is definitely hard emotionally, but I can't give up on them and still from all I'm reading and hearing, properly vaccinated chicks...
  18. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Pens purchased! We have a wind storm going through, it's supposed to be done in a few hours so I'll either get them set up later tonight or tomorrow morning. And... I have ordered my new coop! Hubby drove me there so I'm taking that as his 100% approval on my endeavors 🤣 I am also glad she...
  19. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    Well, good and sad news today, I had a pullet start showing symptoms yesterday morning and she was gone this morning when I went out to feed. But, as I went over to get their feed I found 4 eggs in the corner! I'm not sure who the layer is, or layers. My friend has encouraged me to incubate...
  20. 2ndTink

    Big Bad Mareks

    😭 thank you so much, you are right, you and TwoCrows and the other amazing people on here have been such great support. I hate loosing any of my birds, it's heartbreaking. Even if they could come up with a solid vaccine that isn't leaky would be a big step! I haven't come across anything...
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