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  1. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I am so egg-cited!!!! :woot I just love egg setting day. :love
  2. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I am so happy for you and @Debbie292d Debbie on the exchanging of hatching eggs, this is exactly what BYC friends are for. 😊 I can't wait for all these "Exchange Students....I mean Eggies" to hatch!!! :jumpy :jumpy Thanks for the update Tink, I am confident your flock is getting past this bump...
  3. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Definitely lock everything up. Those are dangerous temps for any bird. ❄
  4. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Stay warm out there Tink and keep the birdies warm too! ❤
  5. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yes stay as positive as possible, allowing negative thoughts will spoil this entire adventure. Keep thinking EGGS! :hugs
  6. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Oh how egg-citing, new coop, must be stoked! :yesss: This should help carry you though! :woot But yeah, I'd be constantly looking for symptomatic birds, a horrible way to look at the flock. I would probably drive myself nuts with worry, so I get it totally. :hugs Hopefully one day...
  7. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Very interesting info Debbie, thanks for sharing this!
  8. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I am so sorry for your loss of the pullet. :hugs But at least she didn't linger for days on end. They are so good at hiding their symptoms, :hmm hopefully she didn't suffer long. They say that after a rooster mates with a hen, it will take at least 3 days for the eggs to all be fertile. The...
  9. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    You will learn over time what you can get away with and what has no effect. Eventually you WILL be an expert with the Mareks and how to deal with it. 😊
  10. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I really don't know enough to advise you on mixing your birds however your plans do seem sound to me. 😊
  11. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yes I saw Debbie's experiment thread and see that you joined too! At least you aren't alone in this Mareks journey. :hugs Definitely, once you get new chicks vaccinated, you should start to feel better about all this.
  12. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Thanks for the update! Great that you aren't catching the flu from hubby, sometimes we are able to dodge that bullet. I hope your hubby starts to feel better soon! I think I'd be on the edge of worry all the time too, wondering what this virus is doing and who's going to turn up sick next...
  13. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    @2ndTink is everybody doing ok over there, birds feeling ok? Are you feeling ok? :hugs ❤
  14. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    This is a good start with the feed can! Keep his attention with his head up, not looking down at your feet. You want to keep the stare down going when he is in attack mode only, otherwise don't look long at him. I have had wonderful luck carrying a broom around. Keep the broom end in between you...
  15. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    It's a good thing horses don't really know they can kill you. 🤣 I took on a wild horse of approximately 4 years old many decades ago from one of these wild horse round ups. What a wonderful experience, this Stallion was a looney bin but oddly enough not all that difficult to tame. He was my...
  16. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I totally agree on the unacceptable rooster behavior, it's imperative to keep ourselves safe around our boys and earn their respect through special training techniques. Be careful holding a bird upside down however, if they have liquid in their crops they can easily aspirate on this liquid if...
  17. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Yes the little things do add up for good health! It certainly can't hurt to add ginger, better to throw everything natural at this as possible, you never know what can make improvements. It's a proven fact that Ginger has antiviral effects in humans, I'm sure it will dull the Mareks down as well.
  18. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    I like to suggest to all of you that have Mareks in your flocks to use pro and preboitics on your flock. 70% of the immune system lives in the gut and will not only be responsible for keeping this monster at bay but will aid this system to keep vital proteins and hormones to function for healthy...
  19. TwoCrows

    Big Bad Mareks

    Mareks is going to suppress the immune system of the bird, effecting all the markers that keep disease, inflammation and parasites at bay. I read on line that Mareks does have a direct link to Coccidiosis and other parasite over population, egg laying issues, respiratory problems, over all...
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