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  1. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    I ended up being my girls in tonight for the weekend. They are not a fan of their boring garage set up, but plus side is I can let them play in the tub and have “pool time” this weekend and I don’t have to worry about them freezing in it 😃
  2. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Mine did well overnight as well, about same temps as you over here! I think I might have to put them up in my garage duck playpen (4 foot high metal dog play pen in a square with a tarp under it) this weekend as Saturday is supposed to be 12 degrees and most likely lower with windchill. They’ll...
  3. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Here’s my set up (new bedding today) I have 4” of pine flakes and then a few inches of straw hopefully it’s enough!
  4. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Yes! I have a sterlite container on its side in the back corner, I added straw inside it and around the sides - they definitely use it too, I add first Saturday like daily to the coop bedding and fluff the top layer (adding more shavings and straw every other day) every morning you can tell one...
  5. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Yes! I’ll grab a photo tomorrow morning. But I have 2 food grade 5 Gallon buckets from TSC, that we used a 4” diameter hole saw to cut holes out of the side. (About 1/2 down bucket- 3 holes around bucket and I sanded the edges of the holes) so they each hold ~2.5 gallons of water. And you can...
  6. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Added photo of them exploring outside for their first snow today!
  7. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Thank you! Sorry I’m my brain I was think 0F. I need to remove their kiddie pool soon, but it has frozen over the top, so I need to wait for it to thaw to drain. Is it particularly dangerous to have the rubber horse food bowls with water out below 30F? I typically fill them with warm water in...
  8. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    The bath Type waters are okay to use down zero? It’s 34 here now and slushy! But if it falls below zero remove them and just leave my buckets on the warmers (to drink and dunk heads in-they can’t get in those)
  9. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Oh yes, their shack has openings along the top 3 sides of the house (covered in 1/4” hardware cloth) before the roof.
  10. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Hi all! Zone 6B and while we’ve have a few nights at 21-29F so far we haven’t had actual winter weather. Sunday we’re slated for some snow - it will be the ducks First! Quick question on prep: Right now the ducks have a 5’x 5’ x 5’ quack shack, that has a foot of bedding (deep litter) mix and...
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