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  1. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    New or not; your opinion is welcome.🙂
  2. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    My EE cockerels mature early, and I've almost always been able to tell by 5 weeks of age, often earlier. At that age, there was no question in my mind that Sonnet was a pullet. But at age 15 weeks, Sonnet's overall appearance and posture, despite obvious pullet traits, had me perplexed. I...
  3. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    The thin/frayed feathers look that way because they are new feathers growing in. I've never seen a female chicken have such strange-looking feathers, but can't currently prove anything one way or another, and see that so far, thoughts are still unanimous for pullet. I will keep taking...
  4. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    Ok! If she lays an egg, I will post a picture asap, right after I vote "fully female" in the poll!. When i first began to suspect she wasn't fully female at age 15 weeks, I went through her chick pictures to see if I noticed anything unusual. I took some pictures of her clutch when they were...
  5. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    I will post updated photos after I respond to recent replies, but before I do that, here's a preview! After @Perris suggested reaching out to authors who have studied this phenomenon to learn what they say about Sonnet's unusual feather shapes, I decided to read through case studies and see...
  6. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    It never crossed my mind to get in touch with the authors who have studied past cases. I would expect that many might think "who cares?" about the subject, but you are right; that attitude might not apply to those who have already shown a past interest in similiar issues. However, since I...
  7. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    Thank you for your encouragement; I really appreciate it. I had planned to write an article on this topic for the last article writing contest, but the rules include "no pictures from the internet, and no using photos taken by BYC members without their permission." I PM'd several inactive...
  8. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    Hi @Perris I have been disappointed every time i google "gynandromorph" and the National Geographic article (with picture you linked) usually pops up first, because it is very misleading. The brief info stated in the article is true, but doesn't tell "the rest of the story." There are several...
  9. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    I haven't handled Sonnet lately, but she's around roosters and cockerels daily, and they haven't paid any sexual attention to her, nor has she submitted to them. But her comb only began reddening up a couple weeks ago, so it may still be too early yet. Some of my 2023-hatched EE pullets...
  10. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    I was referring to this color pattern as far as the darker blue head, neck and back. However, I did already consider the fact there would likely be red leakage on this bird if a cockerel color pattern, because most of my blue and also black and silver EE males have it.
  11. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    Very interesting you don't think those are sickle feathers. (Not disagreeing; it just never crossed my mind that maybe they weren't.) She's the largest EE hen/pullet I've ever had hatch, and I've had well over 200 hens, but also had by far the largest EE cockerel I've ever had hatch in 2023...
  12. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    She seems so masculine to me compared to all my other hens and pullets, that I'm surprised that so far the votes are unanimous for pullet. But I truly hope she is, and if so, she should begin laying any day now, definitely within a couple of months! I will definitely report back when/if she...
  13. Allsfairinloveandbugs

    I have ANOTHER androgenous chicken😅

    (This message was added 1/18/2024. Before you vote or comment; please see post #32, which contains the most recent photos.) Before I post photos and information regarding my current androgynous chicken, here is a link to the previous thread that this thread title refers to...
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