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  1. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    My older chickens I vaccinated last year. They did get the pox last year but it wasn't bad. My new ones I did not vaccinate and they seem to have more scabs than my older ones did last year.
  2. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Anyone else going through fowl pox right now? Most of mine are getting better, no wet pox thankfully, but one of the chicks had a scab so large it almost covered her eye. Put some ointment in to try and protect her eye so we shall see. It is hot. Supposed to rain next week so it will be even...
  3. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Do you have a rooster that has been mating with her? I have two hens who are missing feathers on their backs and it is from when the rooster mates them he is gripping their back feathers to hold on. They are his favorite hens so I have had to use saddles on them. No scratches or bleeding, just...
  4. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Sharing a pic of my broody with her chicks for Mother's Day :)
  5. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I have a broody!!!! :D
  6. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    new egg...snicker, snort seriously, I sympathize, been there, done that
  7. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Frizzle cochin
  8. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Pics of two of my frizzles
  9. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Beautiful flowers and birds :) I recently purchased 6 frizzle cochins, white frizzle and black frizzle. The black ones have some white feathers along with black feathers coming in on their wings. Is this the usual or maybe they are black/white frizzles? Thanks for the info on egg color for my...
  10. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Since I sprayed the yard and chickens with permethrin I haven't had anymore problems with the gnats, thank goodness. My black orpingtons were especially happy about that too. They were bothered the most by the gnats. Now, question about my EE hen/roo chick. If it is a male, if I mate it with a...
  11. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Or maybe she is a he, lol
  12. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Well, apparently I missed something important and stirred a mess pot. So sorry, didn't mean to do that at all. I am a little dense at times and miss the little things, so please forgive me if I did anything wrong. I have found everyone here to have loads of information they have been more...
  13. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hi, Pam. Actually chicken hawk could be right. In some areas of LA there are lots of buffalo gnats swarming and lots of people have reported deaths of chickens. We have them here but not as bad as some areas and we had to spray our yard and birds to protect them. The gnats were biting and...
  14. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    The vanilla extract will only work as long as the scent lasts which isn't long. We got some permethrin (?sp). Mix and spray birds and yard. It works.
  15. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Glad the flood waters didn't reach your house. And is that your goose egg? Congrats!
  16. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I'm thankful that we were spared from the flooding and my prayers go out to everyone who suffered losses from it. Hope everyone is able to recover from this. Also, kudos on the turkey hatching chicken eggs :) One day I will hopefully have a broody.
  17. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Pretty chicks :)
  18. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Yes, they are both pretty eggs and I love the layers of them but some blue eggs look so...vibrant. The ameraucana came from a private breeder but she was sold to me as a black orpington. So, more than likely she is an EE. But still pretty egg and she is a very pretty girl too. :)
  19. mire0042

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    This is beside my light blue legbar egg. Which i wish were darker also. Looks kinda khaki doesn't it?
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