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  1. NatJ

    Question on Wing Bow Color

    Understanding can take a while (it did for me! And I'm still working on some parts.) And then there's the matter of what to call things, so we can talk about it and understand each other-- sometimes that is just as confusing as the genetics!
  2. NatJ

    Question on Wing Bow Color

    Box? When I say "dropdown box," I mean the thing you can click that turns into a list where you can choose a gene. There is one box/list for each locus (the E locus, the Co Columbian locus, the Db Darkbrown locus, and so on down the list. Most of them we just call by the name of the main gene--...
  3. NatJ

    Question on Wing Bow Color

    Extended Black is the name of one gene. "Black" is the name of a color-- either when it is on part of a chicken (like a black tail) or all over (when we just call the chicken "black.") Have you played with the chicken calculator? Under the...
  4. NatJ

    Question on Wing Bow Color

    I don't know about the control of specifically the wing bow. But I see that @Amer has already chimed in, so hopefully that information is helpful :)
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