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  1. CandeeLand

    Homemade Flock Block

    Thank you for the feedback and a better idea. I prefer the cabbage idea and it's much cheaper. My plan is this block goes in around 5-5:30 and out around 6:30 each evening. This is the time our dominate chicken picks on the handicap chicken. I will say, this mixture smells so yummy! We'll see...
  2. CandeeLand

    Homemade Flock Block

    I'm looking to make my own Flock Block. One of my dominate chickens keeps pecking at our handicap chicken, ONLY when they come in the coop for the night. Crazy chicken! I was researching that if I put something in the coop for them to "peck" at instead of each other, this would help. This is the...
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