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  1. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    How funny!!! Great to hear she’s getting stronger. She sure sounds normal in all duck ways and sounds very spoiled to me:love
  2. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    @KCNC06 how is your duck doing?
  3. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    LOL! I still kiss my ducks but I do not kiss my geese.
  4. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    Good thing it was my glasses and not my eye. Thankfully none of my chickens have smacked me they’ve tried a few time. lol. What worse is being bitten on the lip by my gander I looked like I got in a bar room brawl and lost
  5. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I bet it was. Sounds like when I had to get my glasses adjusted and was explaining why they were so bent to the tech I said my goose hit me in the face with her wing he was shocked. Those wings can pack a wallop. Needless to say she has never been able to do it sense. Lol
  6. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    What a great update. Your poor arms.
  7. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    One thing I liked about the Flock Recover is it has Oregano in it which is a natural antibiotic. It's probably good she isn't laying she needs to be recover from what ever has thrown her off kilter. I just wish I could tell you how to proceed with her.
  8. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I'd say she is spoiled rotten lol you know how we can overdo on treats with our kids and animals Maybe you should cut back on the treats and try just putting down the Farmers Helper Ultra Kibble and just see how long it takes her to start to eat. I wish @casportpony would reply I trust her...
  9. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I'm sorry you can't get her up to speed on her weight. The flock-recover looks pretty good. I've never seen it or seen anyone here mention it so maybe it's a new product . Sure worth trying though. But I wonder if even though you are tubing her she still isn't getting all the nutrients she...
  10. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    If you are looking at her from behind the place to put the tube is on her right side If your facing her it is on the left. Does that make sense? Here is a picture of the inside of the mouth...
  11. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I know me too first time with watermelon I thought for sure someone was dying. I am a poop watcher even out of doors I am looking at poop, it tells alot about how they are feeling. Is she eating any of her feed yet?
  12. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    Sounds like good news to me. My ducks poop so many different poops and colors depending on what they have eaten. Your doing great with her. :clap My girls eat oyster shell like it's candy and none are back to laying yet.
  13. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    @KCNC06 How is she doing?
  14. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I followed @casportpony recommendations for tube feeding. It's been at least 4 yrs since I had to tube feed a duck so I don't remember how much I gave her at a time I'll have to go back and read up again.
  15. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    That makes sense I had a Muscovy duckling imprint on me since he was a single hatch and his mama tried to kill him. Thankfully at 3 months we got him some females and he went outside to live with them and the rest of the flock. He’s 12 yrs old now and still thinks I am his mama. That’s a good...
  16. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    Sounds to like she is one spoiled duckie and if she wasn't where she is now I would say give her one choice and let her get hungry. Why do you have some ducks inside and some outside? Do the inside ducks get any sunshine? Do you supplement any B vitamins?
  17. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    Has she always been like this not eating feed?
  18. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    Do you also give her feed? She needs a well-balanced diet. Maybe try mixing some of the fish in with her feed just a small amount to see if she'll eat it that way. You def need to continue tube feeding her if she still isn't eating much.
  19. Miss Lydia

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    They just don’t understand we’re trying to help them. She’ll get over it once she’s back to feeling good again then you can help her get over it by hand feeding her a favorite treat. If you think she is eating enough on her own you can stop the tube feeding.
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