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  1. D

    Muscovy Ducks with rotting feet?

    Yes we just noticed this. We've had a fair bit of rain and all of the ducks had muddy looking feet so she didn't look any different. It's only now that it has dried up that the other duck's feet look normal and her's are still "muddy" looking. Looking at the info that you sent along, if it is...
  2. D

    Muscovy Ducks with rotting feet?

    Here's some pictures that I was able to take. Hope they help.
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    Muscovy Ducks with rotting feet?

    It is very possible as we had a very cold snap earlier this winter where they were walking in snow and at times one of the hens - I'm not sure if she was the one as 2 of our hens are white - was actually sitting in their pool of water that they have in their pen. We would go out there every day...
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    Muscovy Ducks with rotting feet?

    Hi there, I hope that someone will be able to help us with one of our Muscovy hens. We noticed yesterday that she is having trouble walking around and her feet looked to be caked up. We washed her feet off and noticed that they may be starting to rot. Does anyone have any suggestions as to...
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