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  1. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Yay! That's great news! I'm glad the VetRX is working for you! I've had mixed results with it. It's so empowering when we are able to treat and repair our animals ourselves!
  2. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Yes! I recommend pine shavings too. It's all I use for duck bedding because it doesn't get moldy. Any feed store should carry it by the bail. And a deep clean and airing out of the coop will help too. And if the vet is an option, I definitely think it's time to see them.
  3. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Amazon has it, but sadly the won't sip it to me in Hawaii. I mix it 6.5 oz per gallon of water. I e been misting their pen with it daily after cleaning it and it has eliminated the smell which I'm very happy about. I also noticed one of my girls has some pretty big pressure sores on the bottoms...
  4. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Keep us posted. And read up on using Oxine! We just got over a rainy period here and I heard a few sneezes. I've been misting the ducks with the Oxine solution a couple times a day and it seems to have cleared it up 😊
  5. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    Maybe keep an eye on her a couple of days and see how she does. From my experience, it's one bird that gets it at a time, maybe 2. But thankfully I've never had the entire flock sick with respiratory stuff at once.
  6. Lauraduck

    Sneezing Runner Duck?

    I have 5 runner ducks and have been through so many respiratory problems with them. All the respiratory infections I've dealt with started with the squeak sneezes and progressed to hoarseness, more sneezing etc. if the vet is an option I would highly recommend it. If not, you can try medicating...
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