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  1. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Sorry, I forgot to update my own thread! Thankfully, the fox hasn’t been back since I posted this thread. We didn’t do anything, but maybe something happened to it. I’m sure it’s because my brave chickens scared it away =). However, we are keeping our eyes peeled and will implement these...
  2. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Hello everyone, Sorry for not updating on my own thread. I had hoped to tell you all today that the fox had stopped coming back but she decided to show up again this morning (after being gone a week?). She was less skittish this time and didn’t run away when I came outside, which is good...
  3. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    This gives me hope that maybe this fox will give up. Thanks for sharing.
  4. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Huh, I never thought about that! We probably do have mice, even though we have a cat. I’m not sure getting rid of the mice would completely get rid of the fox though.
  5. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Sort of. I’m in a residential area and the state law says no firearms are to be used within 300 yards (or something around that number) of houses. However, I’m not sure if the law has a loophole for livestock protection or not. My dad is buying an air rife which is supposedly in a “grey area” of...
  6. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    No, there is just a ramp going from the roost to the run. The chickens can go back and forth at will. I don’t think there is a way to block off the roost from the run, but I should double-check, since that’s a good idea. I don’t think the fox would care about the coop if the chickens weren’t in...
  7. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Yes, it would be easy for us to put out a live trap. I think that’s what I’m going to try first.
  8. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    I don’t think motion activated lights would help, since this is during the day (dawn, at least), but an alarm might. I feel like the fox would get used to the alarm after a couple of times.
  9. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    I’ve heard that foxes are nearly impossible to trap and won’t go into a regular live trap, but I can try.
  10. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Yes, that seems possible. This is a huge fox, and they’re probably feeding babies this time a year. We can’t use guns in our neighborhood, is it possible to shoot a fox with a bow and arrow? I have a cousin who is an archer. Edit: I’m willing to break the gun rule this once if I can kill the...
  11. NC_Quail

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Hello all, We have a fox problem! Our coop is pretty secure and so this fox can’t figure out how to get in. It comes after the sun has risen (about 6:30am), so the chickens are out in the run, but the chickens are too stupid to go back into the roost. Instead they run around and freak out...
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