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  1. Fluster Cluck Acres

    Necropsy pics [graphic], 2 hens w/ crop issues

    I know the grass is slow to digest, but I thought it wasn’t a problem unless it was in long pieces that tangled together. Most of the grass that came out of both hens’ crops & gizzards were tiny pieces of grass. I mean, the first hen had a crop that was so pendulous she wasn’t going to going to...
  2. Fluster Cluck Acres

    Necropsy pics [graphic], 2 hens w/ crop issues

    These 2 hens were both actively laying. The Orpington hen had stopped only about 2 weeks ago likely due to her crop issues. The mix hen laid just the day before we culled, so I wasn’t too concerned about reproductive issues this go round. But I’ll definitely keep an eye out for that next time.
  3. Fluster Cluck Acres

    Necropsy pics [graphic], 2 hens w/ crop issues

    I would say no, but my experience is limited to 1 hen we butchered last fall and these 2. These both had less fat than the healthy hen we processed back in the fall. Based on the link you included, I’d say you are correct. There wasn’t really any fluid I noticed, aside from when I cut into the...
  4. Fluster Cluck Acres

    Necropsy pics [graphic], 2 hens w/ crop issues

    So I did my first necropsies today on two hens we had to euthanise. I have a few questions about some of my findings. For a little background- I have butchered a few birds, but not enough to be entirely comfortable with how everything is supposed to look. I'm very long-winded, so I put my...
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