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  1. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    😂 Frogs are nocturnal too mine sleep most of the day! Floating or holding onto plant stems so cute
  2. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    The other fish and shrimp require bubbler cause they need oxygen in water. African dwarf frogs do not. they breath air and love to make bubbles. I see bubbles at the tank edge which is a sign of happy frogs. I will stop rambling aquariums now I think I got it all out 🤣
  3. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    Also some Molly's are bullies and like to nibble fins they could be bullying everyone. Especially when there are so many in a small tank. Just another idea. I only have 2 frogs and 2 loaches with few tiny snails and it's getting crowded as they have grown in 20 gallons. sorry I keep adding more...
  4. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    My Adf also love to eat shrimp! And any small snails. So they could be what got those.
  5. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    I also never wait with an empty tank. I always just set up up after I'm home with the fish. I've had fish and aquariums for 25 years 😂 never have any die other than old age. But I have always stuck with fresh water.
  6. Starrponies

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    Is there a lot of water movement with filter? Adf hate water movement. I've had my two about 3 years along with 2 loaches and some snails. I don't even have a filter. My plants filter it for me. I just add water each week that evaporated away
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