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  1. Crickard21

    6 week old chick head shaking

    UPDATE: it was definitely impacted crop. I checked her first thing in the morning and it was swollen like a large golf ball on one side. She also wasn't gaining weight like the others. To this day, she's still slowly catching up. I have her olive oil using a syringe and I think it genuinely...
  2. Crickard21

    6 week old chick head shaking

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to bump my own post. But I'm hoping for some advice if anyone has any!! 😣
  3. Crickard21

    6 week old chick head shaking

    Hi everybody! I need some help with one of my new chicks. I have googled away at this point and it seems most people suggest the same illnesses in response to my situation: respiratory infection, gapeworms (which seem rare in the US), mites, or impacted crop. Which has felt defeating to read...
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