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  1. B

    What medicine can I get for sour crop in the UK on Sunday?

    So sorry to hear that. It does sound like there may have been a 'hidden' issue all along. 🥲
  2. B

    What medicine can I get for sour crop in the UK on Sunday?

    That's odd, hope you can get something suitable. I use Westgate Labs for stool samples, they're pretty good at identifying issues and have a fast turnaround. Harkers (pigeon drugs) offer a great range of non prescription cures and can be got on Amazon Prime if it turns out she has worms or a...
  3. B

    What medicine can I get for sour crop in the UK on Sunday?

    Just another thought. I've moved on to homeopathy with Goldie, as can't keep giving her strong drugs after 2 yrs of pendulous crop & repeat episodes. I've found nux vom works quite well. 4 drops of 30c straight into beak or on a small amount of oily fish (disguises taste). Makes for a fair...
  4. B

    What medicine can I get for sour crop in the UK on Sunday?

    Hi there, another uk chicken lover here. Have been battling a chronic sour crop/pendulous crop situation for the longest time, my Goldie's still going though! The meds you need will depend on how bad it is. Is the crop full of sour liquid? If so, I've learned from experience that best thing to...
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