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  1. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    The hardest part about bird anesthesia (and rabbits) is their metabolism: they need much higher doses on injectable meds and they work for a much shorter period of time. The hard part is keeping them asleep! This should be a fairly quick procedure, much easier than a mammal amputation (no soft...
  2. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    I know a guy who raised goats, had a set of triplets, one had basically a wry neck, he spent $10,000 fixing the neck then gave the goat away as the others were now mean to it!
  3. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    You’d need a vet for a prescription of antibiotics (which with the theoretical amputation you could get them) since penicillin isn’t over the counter anymore. I’d guess the stump would heal over in a couple weeks and then several months for it to callus enough to bear weight. I just used...
  4. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    Gangrene (and dead tissue!) turns black/purple/dark green/gray/dark blue. It will smell terrible, be squishy and moist, and the bird will be acutely I’ll (depression, listless, not eating). Normal dead sloughing tissue can be very similar just without the sick bird. What you want to see is...
  5. Susan Skylark

    gangrene / amputation? (Photos)

    Is the foot partially dead/partially alive? Black/gray/cold/drying out vs. pink/warm/growing. It would be best if the whole thing sloughed leaving you with a nice clean stump but having half viable and half dead makes it prone to infection/never healing wound. It is hard to tell from pics but...
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