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  1. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Oh do they! We've had chickens for 4 years now and I love them, but that was my biggest battle, especially in the summer. Either it was full of "stuff" from their scratching, or it was hot and moldy from the sun. I finally convinced hubby to install a nipple system, and it has been wonderful...
  2. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I would not EVER recommend insulation in a chicken coop! We built our coop about 4 years ago, and insulation was insisted upon by some family members (who will not be named). This year the mice have been bad in the coop, so hubby went out and tore out a section of the wall to see what was...
  3. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I am not a part of the Easter HAL because I didn't have a brood at the time, and I LOVE hatching chicks by broody. But when I went out to get eggs the last few days one of my silkies has been sitting on them. So I just closed up the area where she was setting last night and will hope for the...
  4. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I live N of Clinton, but I know people who live in Clinton and Camanche, and per their city ordinances, you can have a small flock of hens. I would think DeWitt would be the same. But I would call your local county building and just ask for the person who has any info about keeping chickens...
  5. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Schlecht Hatchery in Miles, IA. It's one of the few hatcheries left that you can go and pick up chicks. She's always got sex links from about now till fall. And sometimes, (if you don't mind paying more), she'll have some that are 10-12 weeks old. The four I currently have, I got at 10 weeks...
  6. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I have been hearing a lot about Iowa Blues on here. Are they good egg production birds? I'm looking to get more good egg production birds, like leghorns and red stars, but they are kind of boring to look at after a while. I love the look of the Iowa Blues, and live in Iowa, so would love to...
  7. countrygirl5

    IA here

    LOVE Call ducks. Wish I could get some, but don't have enough room right now. Maybe next year. Where are you located?
  8. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Hey all. I have had chickens for about 3 years now, and have just been dabbling in all sorts of breeds to see what I like best. I really haven't found any that I favor, other than the Wyandotte's. Especially the gold laced and silver laced. We have finally figured out that we need 14 laying...
  9. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Thanks for the advice. I saw the pics of your new building. Amazing!!! Would LOVE a set-up like that! We would probably do LF chickens, so if we had extras, we could always put them in the freezer. I have a cochin bantam rooster that was given to us as a chick. He just started crowing this...
  10. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Hello all Iowans!! My family lives on an just over an acre of land in Eastern Iowa. We have been tossing around the idea of starting a small "hatchery" as a side business. I was looking for advice from anyone who does this, or knows someone who does? Also, what kinds of breeds ya'll think...
  11. countrygirl5

    IA here

    That is so awesome,what you did for your mom!
  12. countrygirl5

    IA here

    That is a very nice coop! And your granddaughter seems to love her new friends! Chickens are very cold hardy (most of them anyway). Are those buff orpingtons? If so, they will withstand winter well. I wouldn't change anything about your coop. If you want eggs all winter, you'll need to...
  13. countrygirl5

    IA here

    Just hatched out 3 chickies this week! I had set 7 eggs under 2 silkies. They got along great the whole 21 days, and even seemed to do fine after only 3 hatched, to share between them. However, today I went to a local hatchery and got 6 more baby chicks that are only a day older than mine and...
  14. countrygirl5

    IA here

    All those breeds will do well in this colder climate, but yes, you'll need a building with good ventilation for them this winter. If you want them to lay all winter, you'll also need a light source. They need 14 hrs. of light to continue laying. However, this winter, even with the extra...
  15. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I can't wait till I have more land and can have too many chickens free ranging! Right now we're just on one acre (still good), but surrounded by cornfields so we can't free range. But someday. . And no, no such thing as too many chickens.
  16. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I have always liked the Wyandotte. I have had a few different breeds of LF, and the wyandottes have performed as well, if not better, than even the red stars. They have a much better disposition, and I even had one go broody once! My roo is a silver Wyandotte and he's going on 3 years strong...
  17. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I was wondering if anyone else sells Iowa Blues closer to the Clinton area? I really like them, and am in need of a new Roo this spring.
  18. countrygirl5

    IA here

    There is county line hatchery too. I go to schlecht hatchery a lot, but there N of me in Miles, IA. I too like to shop local. Also, farm and fleet usually does a chick days sale where you can order as few or as many as you like, cause everyone's order comes on the same day. I've never ordered...
  19. countrygirl5

    IA here

    what/who is ottjumper? I'm always looking for new/local peeps to buy chickies from!
  20. countrygirl5

    IA here

    I know! My hens quit laying in November, and I just got a few to start laying again this week. Yesterday, I got 4 eggs! Coldest day of the year and I get the most eggs I've had in 2 months. Crazy birds. And of course two of the 4 were frozen. Ah well, at least we only lost one baby, but...
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