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  1. cybercat


    I am real close to you. We are hatching already and I have some laying hens and rooster for sale. I also have chicks on the ground now too. I raise Partridge Rocks. Been breeding them for a few years now. You can PM me here if interested.
  2. cybercat


    I just had a hatch. They are only two and three days old right now. PM me if interested I can meet you half way.
  3. cybercat


    I grew up in South FL. But my last location was PA before moving here. I have lived in many of the East coast states from VT and down to FL. Dang I am getting old. LOL We have been in Tn for 8 years now. Things are a bit more laid back here, especially if you are out of city limits. But...
  4. cybercat


    If you live just outside city limits, there are no restrictions. Tn is a farming state but your major bigger cities will not let you own livestock in city. We live 5 miles out of town no biggie. One thing though do NOT buy a home without seeing it in person. There is no law here on what the...
  5. cybercat


    Quote: That was one of my choises of pick breed to work on. Love there color. Good luck with your hatching.
  6. cybercat


    Quote: Thank you Karen. That matches up with what I was reading - I just hoped there was some lesser requirement for small operations! I'm not sure we want to go to all that trouble either... The latest state rule is, one must have a comercial kitchen to sell eggs to public like farmers...
  7. cybercat


    Well, my broody stopped. It got real cold one day last week here. She was off the eggs and they froze. Oh well, guess I shall try again in another week.
  8. cybercat


    Hi all, I am sure everyone is loving this weather. I heard from hubby that there is snow in Mountains out West. Alot like over 5 feet came in yesterday. They are not allowed thru the pass there. I hope that does not come our way we do not need any more snow. Now with these temps it would be...
  9. cybercat


    Carrot is OK apple is not. Meat can be fed everyday either raw or cooked. I never fed cooked carrots to mine. But then again extra carrot here goes to mice which are fed to my snakes. I would say if they do not eat it do not feed it too them. Fruit in berries is OK but apples and most large...
  10. cybercat


    I would not feed anything over 25% protien. 23% and under is better. 30% is just bad for liver unless you feed alot of low protien like extra scratch or corn to get that number down. Moulting at this time is not a good sign. But if she is not a breeding bird I would not over worry about it...
  11. cybercat


    I got a broody hen. As far as I know she is sitting on 11 eggs might be one or two more. I baited the nest with 5 hens added extras. She has been sleeping in this nest all winter I knew it would not take much to make her go broody.
  12. cybercat


    Quote: Congrats. Do not forget the pics after they are done.
  13. cybercat


    From what I have read on this new club. It is a meeting no swapping. They are working on setting up a new show. So this club is for the breeders that show. I am sure later they will have talks about chicken care and breeding later on.
  14. cybercat


    I am buying a new coop. Hubby idea not mine. Since he is not home but 2 days a week he can not build one. So by the end on month or start of next we will be getting a 8x12 premade building. I will turn that into main and leave the 8x8 as broody coop.
  15. cybercat


    OK, sorry I did not mean alll TN people. But there is alot of bad ones that I have run into when it comes to animal care. One must remember one thing I ran my own pet care buisness for over 10 years in south FL. I have also lived in 5 states along the coast. I have seen more animal negelte...
  16. cybercat


    You know one of the biggest adjustments I had to make when I moved here, was how people treated their animals. Dogs tied to trees even puppies because owners did not want them in house. Single goats tied to trees, to mow lawns. Cats out in the snow screaming to come in. I have had to make a...
  17. cybercat


    Quote: I can do it! I'm not kosher but I won't mix it up with pig or anything. Oh and I found some Polish at a place called LC Feeds. He has some eggs in the bator right now... Robo you better look up kosher first. It is more than keeping pigs away from meat. It is also knifes used just for...
  18. cybercat


    Alot will depend on where you end up. You must be out of city to raise livestock. As far as butchering they only handle deer, beef and pigs and some do sheep. For chickens and rabbits you have to do your own. Also goats for many of them. Good luck finding a Kosher butcher too. Livestock...
  19. cybercat


    He posted on the Showbirdbid forum. Meeting was off 40 on 104 exit. I think that right will check. No time was given just contact by email. He has been talking about starting a new show too.
  20. cybercat


    There is a East Tn Poultry Club starting up. I just found out today. First meeting was today. Does anyone else know about this?
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