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  1. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi All, Been busy getting ready for our move next week! Wednesday we're getting the truck and Thursday we're moving in. I have my last batch of eggs in the incubator due this week. LuvMyChicks sent me Magpie duck eggs, can't wait to see what hatches. I already see their little beaks pipping...
  2. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi All, I'm up to 2 sizzle chicks that hatched over the weekend, waiting on one more and then an Orp egg too, only one took out of the 3 I put the n the bator with my Sizzles. All 6 of my friends Sebbie eggs are developing. And she just hatched her first three ever! So happy for her. I hope...
  3. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Ugh! Wish you were closer and could sex some for me! LOL I'd love to go and get 6 knowing at least 4 were hens.
  4. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    the ducklings were sexed at TS?? My TS is getting more in this week, on Monday actually. I'm contemplating picking up some KC ducklings if they get any in.
  5. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I know that Aria, but they have been living in this current home since Sept and I have yet to get an egg from them, even over the summer of living in NY I barely got any eggs from them.
  6. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    There are a couple of people here who raise Jubilee English Orps, but we're 2.5 hrs from you down here. I know one of the girls ships. I could ask her if you're interested in getting any shipped.
  7. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They'd all been on feather fixer all winter since I have various birds who decided to molt thru winter and still are now. I believe the protein in that is 18%. This Calf-Manna contains 25% protein though. I think the problem with most my silkies is that they're getting older. My friend on the...
  8. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    So I've got 6 Sebbie goose eggs developing in the hovabator my friend gave me to incubate these eggs. She's got one out of three that pipped today and is on it's way to hatching. I'm so excited for her. This is her first attempt at hatching goose eggs and so far she's been successful. I love...
  9. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I think they'll be fine. I have chicks all different ages in my garage, some are only 4wks old and I've been turning my heat lamp OFF at night because not only did my CLP bill sky rocket last month, but I also have a rooster in the garage that started crowing at 3am when I left the heat lamp ON...
  10. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I was actually shocked how quickly these eggs were fertile. Both these birds hatched in July 2014, same Roo different hens. I brought the pair in and kept them in their own space in the garage and I now have an incubator full of their eggs. The only one that wasn't fertile was the first one ever...
  11. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It all depends on the Roo you have with her. I have a sizzle pair and the pullet just started laying this month. I didn't waste any of the eggs by cracking them open, I just started putting them in the bator. First one was not fertile, second one she ever laid was and they've been going into the...
  12. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Ohhh ok, I see. I've heard of people making these before but never saw this method, makes total sense! Thanks
  13. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What does the can on the rod do at the top of the bucket?
  14. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Does anyone raise Muscovies and have hatching eggs available? A friend of mine here lost her drake recently and has a lonely hen left with some Pekins. She wants more Muscovies but is having a hard time finding some down here. I know there were some in NY who raised them but can't remember who.
  15. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I actually just shipped Sizzle eggs to TX, 6 of them. She said only 1 had a detached air cell and out of the six eggs, 5 developed (one of which was 13 days old but I sent her anyway and told her to try anyway, it actually developed!) I believe the one that did not develop was the one with the...
  16. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'll definitely keep you in mind! Right now I only have a pair, a magpie hen and pastel drake - no idea what those two colors would produce! I think they would be fun to hatch and see what came out of it but if she ends up laying an egg a day I would gladly ship you some once I knew they were...
  17. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Morning All, I got my first Call Duck egg this morning. (I will not hatch from them, I will not hatch from them, ) I have to keep telling myself if I keep adding to the bator then eggs in the bator will be making the move with us come May 1st. LOL And I do NOT need to worry about that come...
  18. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I shared this video last week when it was in the 40's here, so true lol
  19. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yea the PO doesn't care, it's each individual state. And apparently shipping INTO CT is a huge ordeal, you need to notify the commissioner, who then places a quarantine on your birds, you have to send in paperwork, get tests done and the. Wait for his OK on your imported birds. Now, does...
  20. Lynzi777

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I don't know if he ever will lol, he got the "show crop" which is the tallest ear crop size for Great Danes. That is an older picture, we only had him a week or so when I took that pic. He's over 100lbs now.
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