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  1. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello, everyone! Long time, no see! I'm popping in to see if anyone would be interested in buying a homemade cabinet incubator my husband and I made years ago. I called it the NQB8R model and used it for a few years. There are lots of old posts with pics in hatchalongs and whatnot. I haven't...
  2. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    I hear you about the setbacks and self-management! Hubby never takes time to heal after a surgery and out infuriates me that I can't get him to sit still after a surgery or a procedure...but I don't do it either and he yells at me, too. Hope you're taking care of yourself. I miss all the birds...
  3. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well that didn't work right...Anyway, thank you! I'm at KUMed with him right now, trying to do something with complications right now...It's just a bucket of suck right now. Hope everyone is doing way better than this!
  4. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Sorry about the injured bird! That always makes them more endearing when you give special care, which in turn makes the loud more upsetting. I don't keep any breeders at all anymore. Gave everything away because hubby's cancer, then I had issues, and even this week an emergency appendectomy...
  5. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello! Long time, no see! Anyone want a pair of Wellies? I'm willing to party ways with a pullet if someone wants the fellow. Both hatched March. I need to move him soon or make soup. I'm in Lawrence. Chookschick@gmail dot com
  6. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    And I've missed you guys. It's hard when you get sucked into so many changes you lose track of everyone...that's pretty much what happened.
  7. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Definitely a brown quail, not bobwhite. She's young adult and hand-raised to approach humans...which is unexpected in town! I have her in my banty shanty, but I'd love for her to have friends. I was hoping someone in here would know who might have lost her. I'm post on fb when I get back in...
  8. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Sorry for the long hiatus. Hubby had cancer. Life happened. He's okay. We both had surgeries. Big changes in our world. But enough about that...someone in town found a young brown quail pullet (is that even the right word?) and now I have her, but she's lonely, and my chickens are like trucks...
  9. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Sooooooo, uhhhhhhhhhhh..... Hi.
  10. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello, everyone! It's been forever and a day, but I just couldn't stay's spring, after all! I'm down to under 60 birds and have only 8 projects. I've read back on the last 100 posts or so and caught up a teensy bit- glad to 'hear' some long missed voices! I'll pop in a little...
  11. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    What Cherwill said!! Gosh, I miss you guys. I wish I could pop in more often...I will never catch up on all I've missed. I've sold off most of my birds- down to just a few projects, and less than 75 birds in total. Still need to sell off some turkeys, peas and a few breeding projects, but...
  12. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    I just looked at the the Eurhythmics song is going through my head. I know we need the rain, even if I'm mostly done with it... If there's anyone in the Hutch area with a spare Pekin drake, there's a gal on fb who lost hers and her ducks are lonely. I gave her the link to come on...
  13. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    So glad you got what you wanted! I don't have but one Lavender hen anymore, and I think I would like a roo for her sometime...I'm such a sucker for matched sets! Trish if you ever send anyone this way with birds and have a roo to lose, holler- I'll buy one from you...says the woman getting out...
  14. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Indeed, good luck with the move, Josie! Word came down the pike that you may need to rehome a Big Black Orp dude. If so, I will still be doing birds for some time and I have some Chocolate Orp hens who would love a new fellow. On the move part of it, I have sworn I would never do it again...
  15. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hiya! I would guess that what is happening is that she's trying to re-establish her position in the coop at night so she doesn't fall to the bottom of the pecking order. It's not uncommon for lower birds to really forcefully tell the other in-comers that the new ones are lower than her (and...
  16. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    HOLY FIJOLES. That's when chicks will die of starvation within inches of food because they are too overwhelmed. They'll get an infestation of Coccidiosis because they're eating each other's poo because they're confined. He took on too much. That's rather tragic. I've had an occasion where I...
  17. ChooksChick

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have Choc/Blue/BC/Mauve Marans, Choc Barred Rocks, Azul d'Oros (SouthAmerican Gold & Blue w/black skin), Konzas, South American Copetonas, B/B/S/Mauve/Choc Ameraucanas, and a few other things. I'm in Lawrence. Adorable!!!
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