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  1. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    Im way up in lake almanor/chester Ca
  2. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    ugh. alright i have an issue, i finally was able to hatch out 4 serama, 3 died within 24-48 hours and i have one left, this little girl will not shut up and i have no chicks her size. ive tried dusters, stuffed animals, nothing, all that shuts her up is if i hold her, my other chicks are to big...
  3. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    hmmm well this is interesting, my dads friend brought me a goose that his daughter rescued. its a just hatched baby that was wandering the side of the road, im also finally getting my tom turkey a girlfriend tomorrow lol
  4. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    Anyone have some yokohama eggs or Java eggs?
  5. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    Anyone have yokohoma? Or know of someone who does
  6. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    Does anyone here raise yokohama? i lost two of them that two kids in 4H were going to use this year for fair and they are really upset so im looking for replacements since im the poultry leader
  7. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    its raw organic honey and i was advised to add some to their water by a friend who practices natural and organic poultry keeping. i lost the two silkies and one made me cry because as i held him he like seized got stiff then relaxed and died.... everyone else seems okay..atleast right now
  8. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    i may do that im also calling the hatchery in the morning
  9. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    helpp.. ive lost 5 chick in 36 hours. two oegb,red shoulder yokohoma and now two silkies are dying. one is gasping and acting like he has wry neck and i think is gonna die, the other one is lethargic and getting weak, ive tried poly vi sol and sugar water. nothing is helping them please help if...
  10. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    sorry ive been away for so long,been busy, so heres the update. gave up on the serama eggs. the birds are just genetically screwed i guess but a lovely lady gave me 6 barnyard mixes and out of 6 one died, one is chirping now in the shell and the other four have yet to make any noise so hopefully...
  11. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    he has his own coop so ill check his crop in the morning and if it hasnt emptied ill give him the water and oil. how much baking soda and would olive or peanut oil work?
  12. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    Hpw can you tell if a bird (turkey) has an impacted crop? I was giving my tom attention and noticed his crop feels hard and full he also keeps acting like he has hiccups. Am i just worrying or what do i do?
  13. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    i put hay down last night after getting the water inside the coop out as for the duck pen i honestly have NO idea lol... hope for the sun to come out ?
  14. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    I really just want sunshine and warmth. My next chore is trying to clean out and dry out duck pens
  15. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    okay so i was looking on ideal (where i originally wanted to order birds from) but it looks that my order may not ship till april or so. does anyone know any other hatcheries that carry these birds and arent expensive as heck?
  16. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    yep i did i just had to make a makeshift plastic roof over the vents lmao im so tired of the rain by now lol
  17. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    ugh rain here all day. was out all day and by the time i got home there was atleast an inch of rain that leaked into the coop today. so on i donned by rubber chook boots and went out,cleaned out the soaked muddy covered hay and replaced it then just about plastic wrapped the coop. the water came...
  18. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    I'm so nervou i keep thinking i did something wrong and they won't hatch and ima cry
  19. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    So i was told by a fellow serama breeder to candle the eggs i had set to hatch today/tomorrow and it looks that one is dead,one has veins/movement and one looks to maybe have pale veining?? As for the newer eggs one looks to of had early death and the others look okay. Does it sound like im...
  20. EZFarms

    California - Northern

    I have a hen i can show you that has creeper legs if you'd like
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