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  1. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Thanks for the help a few days ago with my bobwhite panic! I hatched 21 and sold 18 within hours of listing on CL?? lol I am stuck with 3 though. ha!
  2. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Hello!! I am the worst BYC member lol! I drop off the face of the earth for months! I need some help with quail. I bought a Hovabator Genesis a couple months ago directly from the manufacturer. It came with Bobwhite quail eggs I thought nothing of them and popped them in the bator when they...
  3. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    I doubt it. They aren't on dirt or ground. Since the day I got them they have remained in the same large dog crate. All self contained.
  4. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    I've never heard of feeding little chicks whole grains and seeds and not offering grit. But thank you again for the information!
  5. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    I'm trying to read up a little bit but I wanted to say I am sorry to those that have ordered chicks recently and lost some in shipping. :( I never understand the longer shipping times on some of the hatcheries.
  6. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Thank you for the information!
  7. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Wow that tag feature is handy! We lost two more yesterday afternoon. But 2 pullets and the roo are still plugging along. 1 pullet is acting perky and dashing around like nothing happened. The crops on the other two aren't very squishy now and they are still standing still and not very active...
  8. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    I think they could be younger. I totally forget how old Trisha said they were.
  9. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    It's not really 'sudden'. It appears they have been getting grain for quite a while. I think I have had them 2 weeks? I am not sure how long they've been getting it and none of my other birds are ill. They are in the coop, in a giant dog crate. I noticed a couple days ago they weren't as active...
  10. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    We got some of them to vomit. Not all of them would no matter how patiently we massaged. We will try again tonight. They look so miserable. I made some scrambled eggs, add raw coconut oil (it kills yeast) and some Rooster Booster (which has live cultured in it). I don't know if they will eat...
  11. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Ok thank you! I have no idea how long it's been going on honestly. There was a feeder in front of their feeder (on the outside of their pen) so I did not see what was in there...I mostly checked on them and their water level and I could tell there was something in the feeder by the shadow...
  12. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Plus all the treatment is for chickens and these chicks aren't even 3 months old. I am afraid if I withhold food or water for 12-24 hours that could also kill them. :(
  13. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Eek help guys! I got some beautiful Barnie chicks from Trisha. I do not know which one of my little ones did this- no one is copping to it but they fed them a ton of grains (millet wheat etc). They are all too young to be running around with the big chickens so they are in a huge pen inside the...
  14. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    LOL NOOOO rooster luck. Hate it! I just can't fathom. A lot of dinners coming up... :P It's ok. Everyone has stuff going on - this was just ours. Usually I don't catch the flu...this year I haven't been so lucky. And on the bright side I have some homegrown meat for soups from all the roosters...
  15. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Thanks I had to get into my spam folders today to dig this all out. Stupid filters! I replied to her. And yes I still have the SAs, all pure and now recently laying again. <3 Sorry for the absence. We have had back to back flu and colds here. One of my broodies is currently hatching out some...
  16. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Fascinating thread- that production one, Ron. Thanks for sharing!
  17. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    I'm so sorry. :(
  18. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    Gracias! Thank you!
  19. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    They are on my list of someday soon! :D
  20. zooweemama

    California - Northern

    my pullet from my EE Dumpling hen X CL roo. From this months hatch of EEs. The top Pic is my banty sizzle EEs. The bottom is my NN x CL. The yellow chick is my CL x leghorn. :D
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