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  1. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Thanks for the heads-up and all the help. I'll be careful with dosage.
  2. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I'll look some more. Could be both I suppose. I'm glad treatment is the same!
  3. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Holy cow, um rooster -- progress! He's actually standing in a normal posture. He's none too steady on his feet, but he is walking around more and foraging. Go ivermectin, I guess. I wasn't sure if he was getting enough in the water, so I put a few drops on the back of neck this morning...
  4. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I'm going to act as if it is a parasitically problem. If treatment for that doesn't work, then I'll do away with him. I think he's too skinny for the stew pot -- and I'd have to wait 2 weeks post ivermectin at least for his system to clean out. I'm new to buckeyes, and I did my best choosing...
  5. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I guess I'll wait and see then, and try to build him back up with feed. Thanks.
  6. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Wow, folks, that's interesting info about mites and ivermectin. I'll look again for a mite count when I can. What does it mean to "blow through" the feathers? I just looked at the vent area and saw 1 black mite - quick inspection style. Currently, I have the Ivermectin in the water...
  7. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Hm, if I come get your roo I could think about it, otherwise, driving a live roo that far with my two little ones in tow, is too much for me right now. It's about 6 hours to UCD. I am curious, of course. He's still in bad shape this morning, but a little perkier I think -- he didn't...
  8. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: A few things I think of come to mind when I see this picture. Mites will draw out the Life in a Bird adding Several negative factors. One being Stress and two Being vitamin deficiancy. The mites will suck every last good bit of energy the Buckeye has Which will in return Lower his...
  9. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I've really learned a lot from all you folks on BYC in the last year. So much so that I've gotten something of a reputation in our tiny community for knowing something about chickens. The truth is, I just look it up on BYC! The challenge of learning is one of the things I like most about...
  10. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I found little black mites when I originally checked him over and have him on Ivermectin-Plus. This is all I had that was adequate. This is only the 2nd day he's been like this. If it's the mites, what would recovery time be after 2 days on Ivermectin? I don't see any sign of injury, blood...
  11. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Sandhill Preservation Center, born 9/21/09. You can get better quality Buckeyes from Dave, Laura, etc. but I thought I would offer, since I'm in CA. He looks pretty good to me and he is huge. I can't get a pic until it stops raining. Kim Size would be an improvement. Comparatively...
  12. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    No, I don't think it's rude to offer me a roo ! I might take you up on that. I hatched this guy last may from eggs I got off eggbid. History of the parentage was unkown. I know, I know, I should have gotten eggs from someone on this thread....Where is your roo from?
  13. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I think I'm going to need hatching eggs this spring. My roo has something major wrong with him -- he looks like a brown penguin. I'm trying some treatments, but.....maybe shouldn't breed him anyway now? I've got a post going on over at the illness/emergencies thread. Here's what he looks...
  14. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Thanks Jenscott, I'll try to get a shot of his comb....he wouldn't hold still long enough yesterday! Today he's enclosed in a chicken house, so should be able to get one. What exactly is it about the comb that is important? I haven't noticed any green sheen, but I'll double check. His...
  15. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Neat! How would one contact one of those folks? Also, is this guy worth keeping if he's the best (i think, not sure) of my 5 roos? Or should I just scrap the bunch and keep the hen? I really like the buckeyes, but should've bought from a recognized breeder I guess. ETA: They are 16...
  16. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    What age should roosters be for it to be practical to choose the best one (or two) to save as the breeder? I have 4 obvious male, one obvious female, and two I'm educated guessing on. They are 12 weeks old.
  17. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: I also am thinking that a Buck/Del would make a great cross for a meat bird and maybe even a egg layer. Don't know but may try it. I would try it if I didn't already have too many breeds but I will be crossing my New Hampshires and Dels as a sex link if I knew someone close with a...
  18. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: I love this quote!!! I'm glad. I found it while facing a serious illness and it stuck with me. It seems to fit with BYC also, and how helpful and courageous people are when it comes to chickens.
  19. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Interesting observations and fun to read. My buckeyes are just over 2 weeks old. It is fun to watch their personality develop....mine are quite talkative. So much so we're glad to have them in an outdoor brooder now!
  20. foxflower

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Well, I am trying this beed also becaue of winter hardiness. I live about 2.5 southeast of you and out weather is just about the same. Everything I've read says they are extremely cold hardy, but don't mention the frequency of winter laying. I have 8 buckeye chicks I hatched 2 weeks...
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