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  1. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Good luck, how many, how many?
  2. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I had the understanding that the Auburn showed up in a Java flock, without any cross-breeding. I guess genetic testing would prove either way beyond a shadow of a doubt, right? I got a white out of my mottleds, which was exciting. I am happy to be getting Black Javas again, I have missed them.
  3. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    They sure are a beautiful bird, happy to have a flock and looking to grow it this year. :)
  4. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Nice peeps, bigzio!
  5. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Can you find the Bantam Buckeyes?
  6. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Oh my, I'm next hopefully! Congrats, Jim!
  7. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I've got a pip on my Bantam Buckeyes!
  8. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

  9. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I don't have a roo, so I can't help you out with that, but there are so many people on here that sell eggs and chicks that somebody should be able to hook you up!
  10. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Did you ever get peas?
  11. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Woooot!!! I'm a proud grand daddy, show some pics of that prize winning grandchickie!! Nice! Congrats to you all!
  12. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    JoAnn, I have spent ALOT of money(at least for me) on shipped eggs. I only had one batch that were completely scrambled in transit(I had other eggs that I set at the same time with a decent hatch rate). I have been perfecting my hatching techniques, also, as I found I lived in a climate too...
  13. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Awesome!
  14. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Last year my first batch of Buckeye eggs were so scrambled...I candled at 10 days and they all looked like they had broken pieces of glass in them(sounds weird). The second batch was luckier and I had five pullets hatch. Congrats JoAnn!
  15. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: Where is that from?!?!? Poor Sheep! Monty Python. No worries, no sheep were harmed in the making of this video. Ah, I should've guessed. I love those guys...
  16. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Oh Dave, that hurts! Sorry to hear about it. I was upset when I lost around a dozen eggs to the power outage during the blizzard... Glad you isolated the problem.
  17. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Hey BuckeyeDave, I PM'd you. thx.
  18. heritagebirds

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: I think I'm going to need one of those, too.
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