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  1. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    My hen will do that but my roo is a bit more scared...he likes to be held if u can catch him suckers fly good
  2. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Nothing like a lap chicken...
  3. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Here is my other roo
  4. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Hmm I was outside with him and he can and does hold it straight about 40% of the time and this lady is very sure....and I seen the rest of hatch today and they r maby his tales to heavy...hes on 4 1/2 months
  5. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Now she did say she had to take it out the cage because it was being bullied....I just feel like if it is wry tail wouldent another baby from same hatch have it to...and her farm looks clear except this one
  6. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Ya idk I just assumed it wouls show on more the just one bird...she only uses on roo and a few hens for years no issues till this one.....thats y I asked if it could happen to just one cause the rest or the hatches r fine
  7. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    B Got it...but this is not her first hatch with this roo or hen she has breed them together before. Plus the brother roo and 4 hens r fine also
  8. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I would just assume she would have more then one with this issue if it were wry tail she had about 5 from this hatch but has abou 30 seramas and there all from her hatches they all r fine but him..grr im dont no anymore
  9. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I went to the ladys house and none of her birds have it she has all the hens and the roo she have been breeding for years with no issues can it start happen to one bird..
  10. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    here he is
  11. CandJFarm

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I have a question Igot s seramas a when I got I realized the roos tale was leaning overwry tail was first thought Icalled her up and asked if any of her o had she said she has no other it she has all the moms and the roo and about 20 others she checked all are fine but whenIpicked them p...
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