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  1. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    so the place i went had no silkies..... But in turn I bought 2 new birdies! A speckled Sussex and a well breed is unidentified XD
  2. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Buff sound like a great one to have, but the local feed store doesn't control its breeding very well. it just seperated the breeds during the spring, and they...well...... have at it XD So I doubt ill get a pure breed show buff silkie hen XD. I was also thinking Porcelain as ive heard they are...
  3. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    The 5th toe is the extra "thumb" attatched. they usually look for feathering as far as the 2nd toe, your bird seems to have it all the way to the "thumbs". definitely looks like a show bird foot!. As far as conjoining "thumbs" go, I have no experience in wether that would affect scoring at a show.
  4. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Quote: My Buff Bantam Rooster was actually a Red Partridge Bantam Rrooster ^-^ Wow share some pics I think i've got a few from when he was little. For the longest time ive thought he was buff! But he had all the stuff you described, the black lacing in the Tail and Crown, and the...
  5. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread! My Buff Bantam Rooster was actually a Red Partridge Bantam Rrooster ^-^
  6. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    So I will be getting a New Silkie some time this week! Either tommorow or Saturday (Hopefully Tommorow!) What color should I get? I have a white bantam already, her name is Yukon, but i HATE how she gets so dirty all the time! It drives me bonkers! (I still love that vicious little cotton ball...
  7. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    so I said goodbye to my silkie rooster this weekend...... ill be honest i cried and then i went to panda express, i felt better after that. still miss the crowing in the morning though..... just some photography i did on our last day together still as handsome as ever <3
  8. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Lets see, cute, and cute, and OH a rare shade of ADORABLE! Cute, floofy coot, cutie patooty. yup, I would think those are the right colors, im no expert though XD
  9. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    My silkie laid her first eggs these past few days, so happy!! I wasn't expecting her to lay for another 2-5 weeks. I haven't found her brooding though. It's almost as if something is wrong with her XD I know silkies are highly known for going broody, and I should probably think myself lucky...
  10. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    YAYEE! Im getting a new Silkie this month! So Far, just for old times sake XD I have: - 4 Barred rocks, 2 hens, 2 pullets, - 2 Silkies, and Pullet and a Rooster - 1 Gold Laced Wynadotte pullet The Silkie rooster, Nugget ( I've posted about him a billion times) is getting rehomed...
  11. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Didn't think of that! i've got 2 classifieds for him to see if anyone would want him, havn't had much acivity., but thats a great idea!
  12. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Okay, so I've got a fluffy problem on my hands..... my buff bantam silkie rooster is starting to mount my Barred Rock hens, and silkie pullet in the mornings, and this causes quite alot of racket to come from the coop, not to mention the thought of a chicken coop sounding like a brothel in my...
  13. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    if Paris Hilton were smart, she would get a silkie. a black one. a rooster XD
  14. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    I feel you, I have a party chicken as well! also a white bantam silkie XD her name is yukon. she was also my parrot for my pirate costume at halloween. my albino parrot XD
  15. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    I have a Buff Bantam Silkie Rooster up for a Free Re-homing in Tucson Arizona, here is the link to anyone nearby who is interested ^-^ Please spread the word to anyone who might be looking for a pet Bantam Silkie with an adorable crow...
  16. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    Yeah... I do have a tendency to go off with to many details... artist/illustrator mind I guess...
  17. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    That is a good point, I fogot to mention that ..... oy now I feel bad I've probably freaked poor @Kisune out....
  18. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    I would look out for Merek's Disease, milky/foggy eyes and pupils is a side affect for Merek's disease, along with paralysis of the neck wings and legs, loss of weight, sight impairment, and the skin around the feather follicles raised and rough. Merek's disease can unfortunately cause death in...
  19. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    My Buff silkie boy has white nails and a white/cream colored beak.
  20. Banaynaychicken

    Silkie thread!

    So CUTE! might have to steal the food item idea for my first brunch when my dad lets me breed my white and buff this spring ^-^ Might name one Skippy, and Pan, and JIF,XD
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