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  1. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I've got 3 Silkie roos and besides sleeping in the same coop, when the sun comes up they have to be separated or it's like a battle royale. Two are ornery and one is super docile and sweet, but put them together and they all turn evil.
  2. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    So I got my 2nd bad bag of Purina Flock Raiser in about 4 months. It wasn't crumbles, it was dust and the birds don't like it. TS says they'll exchange it, but I'm at the point where I'm wondering if there is a better alternative for an adult mixed flock?
  3. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this but I've had my hands full lately with this among other things. I checked the feed (Purina Flock Raiser) and it does have methionine in it, so we're good there. I found no evidence of parasites, or anything to demonstrate that the Silkie rooster...
  4. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    These two are from a hatchery via a feed store and I didn't know that. I don't think anyone's been feather picking, or at least I haven't seen it.
  5. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    If I could characterize the appearance of her poop as anything, it would be dark and sort of dry. I'm not sure if she's eating much, but she did appear to be looking for bugs this morning. Her eye is open this morning though she tends to blink it more often than the other and it has a sort of...
  6. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Fancy, I have a question or two. I mentioned before having what I thought was soft moult on my hens, based on a lack of feathers on the saddle, in particular on one BO. She also had what appeared to be slow crop due to the finding of feed in the waterer. I put everyone through a two week regimen...
  7. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I bought a 50lb bag of Purina Flock Feeder Crumbles and I think I might have a bad one. The one on the right is what I've been used to and the one on the left is the new bag. It's mostly dust, darker in color than what the picture shows and the birds don't seem really interested in it. Anyone...
  8. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Wow, and I thought 7°F was rough.
  9. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Ok, I have another question. TSC also had the Wazine you had mentioned. Which one would be more effective and work faster? I know the Strike III gets mixed with food and the Wazine is diluted in water, so I wondered if it might be more effective. You say I don't have to withhold eggs with the...
  10. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I just did some reading and the Strike III has the same active ingredient as the Rooster Booster, Hygromycin B, so I'm guessing this will work and I guess I answered my own question. Thanks as always for being so helpful.
  11. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    What about this one? Strike III is a Type B Medicated Feed. Use as an aid in the control of infections of the following intestinal parasites: Large roundworms (Ascaris galli), cecal worms...
  12. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    She was only a little over a year old. I recently changed the girls over to layer from the Purina flock raiser since they were no longer in a mixed setting. I suppose it's possible she might have ingested something larger or rougher than she could handle, bark, etc.. because we are pretty much...
  13. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Hey Fancy, or anyone else, we lost a bird last night. It was one of our BO hens and she's in with two others and our only Silkie girl. Two of the buffs have had a soft molt going on for a while which I figured was about shorter days and their age. The feather loss was pretty much limited to the...
  14. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I had one that was mean to bone and even aggressive to me. He didn't get along with anyone else and I finally had to cull him.
  15. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Lol, that's hilarious! Makes me wonder if dinosaur would have tasted like chicken?
  16. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I pulled the rooster out of there 3 weeks ago because he was running roughshod over the girls. I haven't noticed any bullying, but I'm going to watch them tomorrow and see what happens.
  17. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I wondered about that. She's 9 months old and I wasn't sure, but there is definitely something up with her posterior.
  18. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Fancy, I have a question. I have a mixed flock, Silkies and 3 Buff Orps and one of the BO hens has something going on that I could use some guidance on. First off only one or two of the three hens have been laying lately, with one exception a few days ago when all three laid one day. The gal in...
  19. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    Our temps are supposed to get down to 10° F tonight. Should I be concerned about my Silkies? I think they would stay warm enough in the coop, but the high tomorrow is only 31°, so they won't be able to get much warmth outside. Unfortunately I work 40 miles from home and there won't be anyone...
  20. Half Moon Ranch

    Silkie thread!

    I actually got video of one of mine attempting to crow and he looked shocked like "did that come out of me?" Lol
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