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  1. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Whoa! This thread sure moves fast. I just wanted to pop in and share some sad news. Due to my husbands promotion, we are relocating to Illinois. Our new home has a small yard, so no chickens. BUT, there is property behind the house that may be available in the spring. So I may be a proud...
  2. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    So what happens if you don't pass?
  3. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Sadie, I totally feel for you! My babies have been in the coop for a few weeks now. But the good news is that my stay friendly. Maybe even more so because they get better treats now. ;)
  4. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Thanks hawkeye. My run is covered. Ileft the door open because we haven't had any predator problems and I was to trusting inmy thinking they would be safe. I won't make the same mistake twice.
  5. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    So glad sciencechick brought up silkie haircuts! I believe I will do this today. My husband came home last evening and there was a red tail hawk sitting in the pine tree right outside my coop! He said he thought he was up to no good because the limb he was perched on was only 15 feet off the...
  6. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    I would put all my babies in a clear, big plastic tote and bring them in the house so they could become accustom to peoplenoises. The more you handle them the easier it gets.
  7. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    I consider us lucky because one of my other pullets was stuck in some grapevines and would have been an easy mark for a racoon.
  8. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    I learned years ago not to paint my toes the color of june bugs then wear sandles to the coop.
  9. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    So sweet! I love the low angle of the picture. It's like it's saying, "Are you looking at me?"
  10. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Forget guard dogs! I need a guardcat! Way to go Pinky!
  11. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    I'm so sorry! I checked out the predator forum and it seems my culprit is also a raccoon. If it comes back I'm ready for it.
  12. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Oh goodness. I've been in your shoes. I think it's harder to loose a bird to illness. Or have to put one down. I lament over if I've done everything I could to help/care for my animals. It usually ends with the decision on quality of life. When it comes to that point it's hard to put my...
  13. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    You chicken rainbow is wonderful!
  14. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    I agree about the buff and that black in the back is definatly a mix because the feathers are flat and smooth.
  15. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    We had the same problem. We held them every day. We even broght them in the house and held them on towels while we watched TV. We also fed them treats like dried meal worms. If do this be sure to provide chick grit to aid digestion. They are five months now and we can just walk up to them and...
  16. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Congrats on you new additions!
  17. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Something just killed one of my pullets in broad daylight. Her head is missing.
  18. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    So sorry for your loss.
  19. ThaiChick

    Silkie thread!

    Ugh! I'm soooo jealous!
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