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  1. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    Oops looks like it posted twice. Anyway. Let me know if you need more pics. Excuse her muddy feathers, the weather here has been horrendous.
  2. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    I have a 4 month old Silkie who has a very red comb and wattles but acts feminine. So which is it?
  3. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    I have a 4 month old Silkie who has a very red comb and wattles but acts feminine. So which is it?
  4. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    If you do get the fit right, will you be selling them? I have a special needs Silkie who would look so adorable in a sweater!
  5. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    No problem I am happy to help, I am not nearly as experienced as some on here but I try to help where I can.
  6. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    1.White is a very unreliable gene to work with. You could really get any color out of those two if you breed them. 2. She looks Blue to me, you can tell by looking at the undercoat. If the feathers underneath the surface are black, she is black. If they are gray or a light color, she is blue...
  7. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    They are a little over 5 months old now for all who have asked. I will get pics up today of my maybe kid. They are all soaked from the rain (silly birds dont know how to use perfectly good shelters I provide)
  8. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    I have, I was given the response "two girls and the third is a maybe girl, maybe boy" Well the problem is, my best looking bird is that maybe kid.
  9. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    Got an odd question for those that show.. I posted pictures of my Blue Silkies a while back, I want to try to show one or more of them but if I am still not 100% on whether they are male or female.. Can I still enter them with my best gender guess? They will be 6 months at time of show so...
  10. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    If a hen consistently lays soft eggs, but has constant access to egg shells and oyster shells... what could be the cause?
  11. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    The website says no shipping on hatching eggs. They are a bit far for me to drive to get them unfortunately.
  12. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    It is a several hour drive to where he lives so I doubt I can pick them up but the shipping will (hopefully) be lessened by the fact that they wont have to travel very far.
  13. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    I understand. I am just nervous about jinxing myself by getting really nice, special eggs for my first bator hatch. 3ChickensinNC is local and going to send me some eggs when his girls get back to laying. I think local eggs will give me a slightly better chance to hatch, since it will be my...
  14. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    That sounds a lot like my big RIR Ducky and my SG cross Little Man. Little Mans crow is more like a squeak than a croak though. Its too funny to watch them stand on opposite sides of the fence and crow/squeak back and forth at each other This is LM. 5 toes, feathered feet, bowtie, the cutest...
  15. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    Other than ASBCs website, where can I find a list of breeders in my state? I am looking for good quality, not super expensive eggs to hatch. I will eventually try getting eggs from Catdance or Bobbi Porto but for now I am not confident in my incubator (or my operation of said incubator) enough...
  16. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    Just this one or #1 and #2?
  17. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    #3 BTW thanks for looking at my pics and helping me out
  18. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    She turned at the last second but 'she' consistently has the proper S-shape You cant tell here but 'she' has a tiny bit of red in the wattle. Acts girly, looks girly... confirm/ deny?
  19. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    Chickenstock is this weekend and I need to know whos a boy and whos a girl so I can sell the correct birds for the correct $$$ Blue Silkie # 1 5 months old yesterday acts boyish, looks kinda boyish, confirm/deny my theory?
  20. TheRookie

    Silkie thread!

    I put in a golf ball originally to influence where they laid.... All my silkies were huddled in a corner freaking out about the golf ball. I couldn't put them near it without them having a panic attack. And about the eggs going bad, I was checking them daily to make sure none were smelly or...
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