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  1. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    As the others have said, it is hard to tell because colors can change quite a bit as real feathers come in. I will tell you I have one that looked a lot like your as a baby. Not quite as light but very similar pattern. Not sure about my chick's parent's colors since I ordered those eggs but I...
  2. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    You are welcome Cerise. Your babies are adorable and you will love raising silkies. Don't be surprised if Cobweb darkens up some as he loses baby fluff and gets his real feathers. Sometimes you can't tell the real colors for a few months. Here are some of my babies who changed a lot as they...
  3. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    1) Blue, 2)probably paint but maybe splash 3) partridge 4) white. Egg coding of Blk/S might be black/splash which means blue too-"blue, black, splash" some times abbreviated b/b/s is a common breeding. As far as heads go, some silkies have vaulted heads, some do not- it won't make much...
  4. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Most silkies will go broody sooner or later but if you don't want to hatch chicks, just keep removing the eggs daily. I have 8 adult silkie hens and better than half of the time, at least one hen is currently broody.. There are lots of threads on breaking broodies or you can just let them get...
  5. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    I live in TN which sounds like similar winters to you or maybe just a bit warmer. We seldom get below single digits (and that only a few times a year) but have as much rain in January as snow. I've had silkies for a few years and they seem to do fine in cold rain. They have a dry coop and large...
  6. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    "Quote: MG][/U][/URL] 6 week old chicks. All have punk rock type hair which makes me think roosters. Still too early??" Way too early. The whole streamers thing confused me when I started out too. But these guys are just growing onto their crests. I have no idea if they are male or female...
  7. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    For those wondering about comb types- here is useful chart from I like that it has photos not drawings. But keep in mind, there can be a lot of crossbreed and in-between styles that aren't any recognized breed style. #1 Buttercup Combs The buttercup comb is reserved for...
  8. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    "Looks like a walnut comb to me." Not to me. This is a walnut comb below. He's still young (about 6 months) and the comb will get a bit bigger and possibly a little "wrinkly" looking but no points and nothing sticking up. There are some funky combs out there in the breed. If you love them...
  9. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Originally Posted by em530 Could anyone help me with what colour my silkie is please? It looks like I have a few more in a recent hatch that are this colour too? Based partly on the baby pictures it seems like a variation on partridge to me- probably GRAY partridge or less likely just a...
  10. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Based on some of the silkiechicks I have hatched, I would say light partridge or possible blue partridge. Almost certainly a partridge. Here is blue partridge at about same age as your and here she is a month or 6 weeks later. She is a little darker than your chick but I've had lighter...
  11. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    That could very well be a silkie egg. I currently have 7 adults silkie hens and I get eggs ranging from brown to cream to white. Size looks about right too. My girls started laying ranging from 5 months to 11 months- most about 6-7 months old. This is a silkie egg with a wyandotte and a...
  12. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    You are welcome, Kelly. I think ti just depends. If your birds don't seem uncomfortable or sickly, do what feels right to you. I used to worry a lot more in the beginning than I do now. My girls are healthy and don't act like they are uncomfortable. Yes, they looked like drowned rats much of...
  13. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Every chicken needs a dry place they can go into if they want shelter. Otherwise, it may depend on where you live and how healthy your birds are. I live in TN with fairly mild winters and I own siklies as well as several normal feathered breeds. I've had my siklies for over two years and they...
  14. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    KDOGG331: It may not be too late for your dog. Obviously, it is best to train from a pup, but I used to do rescue work and have worked with my share of poorly socialized adult dogs. Its harder than with a puppy, but can you usually achieve some improvement. There is a lot of info out there...
  15. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    QUOTE: H guys.......can anyone tell me what color these babies might be ? I was thinking silver or Blue Partridge. .....maybe one on left is Silver? It is hard to tell yet but looks like regular partridge to me. Chipmunk stripes and eyeliner are partridge in my experience and most are...
  16. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Nearly every silkie I've very had calmed down as they reached adulthood. They all have different personalities and some will always be less cuddly than others but most of mine were much friendlier at 9 months old than they were at 3 months old. They seem to go though this wild child period...
  17. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    Sorry I guess this thread is moving faster than I thought - this is post I reply to about partridge Is this silkie a partridge as well?
  18. jas humbert

    Silkie thread!

    I would say partridge for sure. Here is one of my partridge babies and here is what the same chick grew up to look like. Often the reddish colors come in they get adults feathers. Partridge usually have chipmunk stripes and black eye liner as babies
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