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  1. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    How gorgeous!! Yay!! Me too!!
  2. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    I have a couple of questions.... 1) If your humidity is a but during incubation, would you lower your lockdown humidity some? My humidity--with a whole bag of rice never got below 46%...Today/tonight I'm starting lockdown, but only for the ones that seem ready, will add the rest tomorrow when...
  3. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Its yellow and black... And the Mama who hatched them is not a silkie... AND! This is what I found behind the brooder box today when I realized that the silkies were hatching a day early and had to hurry to get them in here and Skeeter back in a different next box with the Aug 25 hatch. SHE...
  4. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Oh my!! Too funny!! Noooo!! It likely had a problem.....maybe infertile or a quitter. Awww! Congrats! Do I see with its head down on the left right next to the little head sticking up?
  5. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Thanks! They are the purple/grey color--kinda light
  6. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Hey guys! Hope all are well. Sorry it's been a while, but I still have my 3 new Silkies in my house....they are driving me crazy!! I hope the rain holds off and my son can get their coop and run done this week. Anyways, I have a question about one of my 3.5 week olds. This is the one that...
  7. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Such a cutie pie!! Love, love, love them!!! That is just hilarious!! Sooo cute!! Yay!!!! I really like DE for rids them in about a day in my laying hen coop. X2
  8. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! I will get some today. No creepy crawlies here, thank God...just a little dirty, needing a nail trim and I think they may be starting to molt. I cant wait for babies either....they are beauties to me. Love them!
  9. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    So darn cute!! Maybe its the way she's sitting, or a trick of the camera, but the picture makes it look like her legs are fused together......or like they're both coming out of the same side. Can you take a picture from if you were to look up her skirt- so to speak. I can't...
  10. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! I am. They are a bit in shock and I think they are needing some nutrients. I will wait a bit longer...thanks Peep.
  11. tilosi

    Silkie thread! are some pics of my babies Diamond Magnolia--this is the best I could get out of her... Georgio They all need baths sooo bad. How long should I give them to adjust before bathing? 2 1/2 week old babies--shaky hands and moving chicks--not a good combo!! 5 day old...
  12. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    I used it, too...I'm just not sure my baby has slayed leg....I may have to video and let you guys see it Yep, love those babies!!
  13. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    How sweet! I want some duckies! Poor Misty Blue...."Bullet" would be fitting for a BB that grew up It's such a neat thing to watch them come to life! Yea, I made my little Willow/by a homemade hobble...but, I'm not quite sure it's splayed leg. S/he doesn't seem to want to put weight on it...
  14. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Yay!! Congrats!! So much better than popcorn and a movie...
  15. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    I'm trying....thank you. I like that idea too...that way their feet stay dry. Have any you used that black teflon (?) stuff? I have it on my RIR's coop and run, but not if it will be ok for Silkies?
  16. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    The little chick that almost bled to death when it pushed out of its shell is getting stronger. But, I noticed yesterday that one of its little legs was stuck outward, like it couldn't walk on it. It may be splayed, though I'm not sure why, other than it was so weak for over 12 hours it may have...
  17. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    That is great looking!! Something to work towards!! Thanks for all the coop responses! I had more "multi-quotes" but they didn't come up, but thanks for each one.
  18. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    What kind of coops do you all have for your Silkies? Do you have a covered run? Not just with predator protection, but also from the rain? And, do you have a solid floor for the run, so their feet don't get soaked in the rain? We want three adult pens and one grow out pen....any suggestions or...
  19. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Will do! Thanks. I had put about a half bag in for the last week this last batch (I was out for the first week and a half), but I just put it in pill bottles that would fit beside the turner. Really, did very little--maybe changed RH by a couple percents. Spreading out may do a lot better. IDK....
  20. tilosi

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! It's over...for the most part. Six out of 18 good chick actually was upside down and suffocated before I "felt" it was time to help, I was a little too late. Another bled terribly as it pushed from its shell--I took it out and immediately applied styptic powder and am...
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