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  1. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Here's a weird but true fact: Doms smell better than other chickens. They have a clean, after-the-rain scent. My other chickens have an earthy smell. I noticed this one day during cuddle time. Of course after noticing, I began sniffing chickens and asking others to do the same. Go ahead and...
  2. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    I've seen that before but it was always a one time fluke. How's Dana now?
  3. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    That's a very good hatch!!!! My seramas love to go broody. I usually time my incubator with their hatch. They sit on a few eggs then get about 30+chicks at hatch. (With seramas it's just easier to set up a big brooder and add a little mama hen.)
  4. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    That's exciting. Nice incubator, too. ;) I bought the same one a couple years ago. It's my go-to incubator because I can set it up quickly and not fuss with it. Plus I like how small it is.
  5. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Stealth chickens!
  6. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    :frow Glad to hear from you & "Dana" again! No longer have a Dom here, but I still watch this thread to see their beauty.
  7. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Merry Christmas to you and best wishes for a wonderful 2021.
  8. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    :hugs So sorry to hear of your loss. I remember all those pics from when they were chicks. Doms really are a great breed and we all understand what it feels like to lose a beloved pet. I still miss our dear Bubbles.
  9. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Love the pic of the Dom in the garden. The pic of the smoke from the fire..... not so much. That's gotta be so scary.
  10. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    That's strange how they grew a cushion. Mine didn't stand very pretty when young but as she aged she looked better. (acquired the U-back stance you mentioned) I really miss my Dom, Bubbles. Perhaps you could post a few more pics so I can get my fix for pretty Dominiques.
  11. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Those really do look like vulture hocks. :eek:
  12. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    :lau I'd laugh harder if not for the fact that I've got a Lav orp hen named "Lavender". :oops:
  13. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    "Mr Green"? Are you still naming all your birds by the orig leg band color? LOL
  14. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    I found that the u-shaped back took a little while to develop. My younger pullets didn't "stand pretty" until they were 4-5 months old. I think they were too busy running around, avoiding the adults, and getting into mischief to flaunt their stuff. I don't breed Doms, so what I've got is...
  15. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    I think this one is very pretty.
  16. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    This is a great place to ask, and overall they're a great breed. The temperament of Doms is one of their best features. They are friendly, curious, & intelligent. Their feather are softer & have a better smell than other chicken breeds. They can free range well and are not as heavy on the...
  17. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    I did nothing for my Dom & she was just fine. Being female she had nice tight wattles and the perfect comb for the cold. The coop is insulated but not heated in any way. Having cold hardy breeds helps. In northern IL, we normally get a few days below zero, but this year was extreme. We...
  18. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Handsome comb! What's his temperament like? Is that 'Lucy' in the background? Send me some pics of her if you can.
  19. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    That is an interesting comb. The 1st pics pics look great & I couldn't see anything odd at all ....... until I scrolled down to the 3rd pic. I like her dark narrow barring & alert, expressive face. (Reminds me of the sweet Dom I had.) I have no idea if the comb will change or stay that way.
  20. Faraday40

    Dominique Thread!

    Happy New Year!
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