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  1. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Father not always dominant if he is a laid back bird. If you keep enough hens, enough space for them, etc. they will work it out.
  2. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Totally depends on your particular birds. I have 2 roosters over 13 hens and most have that "favorite hen" look to them. I am keeping every last pullet from this years' batch to keep a better ratio upcoming. On keeping more than one rooster. As I mentioned before, totally depends on the...
  3. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Blueclip, you asked about how long it takes to get them used to the youngsters, I have never just thrown in a bunch of new birds without first introducing behind a fence, so I am not sure. My guess is they will leave them alone after a few days, its easier with more space to run around, free...
  4. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Its going to depend on how much space they have and the individual personalities of your roosters. Last year I had a plethora of cockerels (about 25 altogether) that I raised in with my flock. They were fine with their dad for a while, until about 7-8 months and at that point I butchered and...
  5. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Culling is an ongoing process really, as little chicks you might have one or two that are runts or sickly = cull. As they grow larger you may notice a crooked toe or wry tail = cull, these end up in the burn pile. Most of mine were not eliminated until around 16-20 weeks, at which time I can...
  6. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Sedaeng, You may keep your roo or use a superior roo. Any hatchery will not give you a better rooster, therefore if you want to improve the looks of your flock closer to show quality, using a show quality rooster from a DCA breeder will get you there faster, because you can mate the resulting...
  7. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    By one year it should appear the way it will be unless part gets frozen off. Yes it is possible to not have a spike, but it is a fault. Do not judge combs until he is close to 8 months. Wattles are also important, they should be even, medium sized and roundish, not long or pendulous. On...
  8. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    The term "Dominque" or "Dom" refers to the barred pattern and in no way proves that the Dom gamefowl came from crossing in Dominiques although in the history of the Dominique some long ago gamefowl breeders are said to have used Dominiques (probably since they were very abundant very popular in...
  9. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Although there are individuals who turn out bad like in any breed of animal, I definitely would not say aggressiveness in males is a breed trait for the Dominique. Because most breeders do want to show their birds they would not want a mean bird nor would a mean rooster be a good breeder as he...
  10. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Your experience with Marans could be individual birds, my Marans have always been the sweetest most holdable birds of my flock (they are black coppers from the tx trio) but I am not breeding them anymore and only have one hen left who was a pet. Too much extreme weather for their combs and no...
  11. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    All I know is there are bad individual apples in every breed. Most dom breeders avoid any meanies in the breeding pen, but a few I know will put up with some cockiness if the bird is exceptional in other ways. I have a policy, if the bird flares on me more than once as I am doing chores, he goes...
  12. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Also, I wanted to share my experience with doms vs their flock mates. Doms are definitely the leaders no matter what else I have in there with them, except my American games which I keep away from everyone else. The doms will chest butt anyone doesn't matter if its young pullet against a full...
  13. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Have no fear about your young dom eggs. As pullets their eggs will be small, but after about a few months of laying, they do get larger. All of my dom eggs are in the large range (I have an eggs scale) but usually I hear medium is the norm. They are laying every day the first year, nearly every...
  14. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    I have my Doms in a mixed flock and it very much depends on the breeds you put in there. My Doms tend to be higher ranking but they are not bullies and not overly pecky or aggressive. I had some Ameraucanas and they were too shy to be around the Doms - I had to get rid of the Ams, Marans were a...
  15. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    Also #3 has a better wing carriage.
  16. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    #2 & #3 look the most typy and balanced.
  17. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    I would guess these are a cross with barred rock based on face and comb features (based on pic). However, if you want to go ahead with them, the fourth one down has the nicest comb. Combs will continue to grow and get fuller even after 1 yr old. Above poster is right, BODY TYPE is number one in...
  18. JediJinx

    Dominique Thread!

    I had one dom hen from MMH. She laid a medium egg - when she laid. She laid only occasionally, never every day, sometimes went weeks without laying. My best hatchery Dom layer was from Meyer hatchery, all around great bird, lays every day, now in year 2 she lays a large dark tan egg (almost...
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