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    Dominique Thread!

    Nice bird! The Dominiques have really made some progress in the last couple of years.

    Dominique Thread!

    That's unfortunate but what sort of help are you looking for?

    Dominique Thread!

    Nice! Nice! Nice!

    Dominique Thread!

    My wife just rolls her eyes-again.

    Dominique Thread!

    My wife just rolls her eyes-again.

    Dominique Thread!

    Staying with one breed is excellent advice-I've given it often but have never been able to follow it. My problem is I like them all [except Silkies] & am forever bringing something new home. If I cold just learn to stay away from Traders Row when I go to showa.

    Dominique Thread!

    Have you been to many illegal shows?

    Dominique Thread!

    Agreed. If you don't plan to breed there's no real need to keep a male at all. That said, if you don't plan to breed but you like the idea of having a male arould why not have one you don't need to fight with. Before someone points out that this is different than things I've said about...

    Dominique Thread!

    The comb is the most obvious difference for those unfamiliar with the 2 breeds. Dominiques are rose combed & all Rocks are single combed. Beyond that the body types are very different & the colour is actually different as well. Berred Rocks are barred [duh] while Dominiques are cuckoo. The...
  10. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    They're almost too calm sometimes. I have to push them out of the way with my foot to get to the feeders & waterers.
  11. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Type [all aspects of shape/size] should always come first. A common' & easily understood mistake that beginning breeders often make is to focus on colour while paying no attention to type. The old saying regarding this holds true: "build the barn before you paint it". In Dominiques, as in Barred...
  12. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Hate to have to bring the discussion away from piles of crap [Dunghills] & back to Dominiques but I must. I did give my breeding flock of Dominiques away this year but after they left I ended up hatching the last couple of day's eggs they had laid. The chicks are reaching the point where I can...
  13. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    20% above or below standard weight is a disqualification in all breeds except Beltsville Small White Turkeys
  14. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Last chance at some of my Dominique eggs. I had some ready for someone who changed their mind. I have 23 eggs that were laid in the last 3 days. I can ship them tomorrw if someone pays via Paypal before then First come, first served. PM me if interested. I'll check my PMs later. I have one more...
  15. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll still be around & you can always PM me. I've enjoyed the Dominiques & in all modesty do feel like I contributed to their resurgance. It's a question of resources [as in time & energy]. I was elected to the bench last fall so now I'm a judge in court as well as a...
  16. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Seems that many of the people who have contacted me about Dominique egss have changed their mind for various reasons. I've arranged for someone to take over the flock once I have supplied eggs to everyone that was interested. This is kind of a last call-if you want eggs fron my flock contact me...
  17. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    I will be setting up my breeding pens soon & will have eggs to sell. At this point I think this will be my last year with the Dominiques so this may be the last chance to get into my strain. I'm finding that I just have more to do than time allows & something has to give. If anyone is...
  18. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Photo 2011 T.Perg NICE! Great colour.
  19. NYREDS

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: So it is true??? This is monumental!! Awesome!!!! Well deserved. Mike has done a lot to promote Dominiques in recent years. His bloodline is all over the country & he's really been the Dominique standard bearer. Much of the credit for the Dominiques resurgence goes to Mike.
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