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  1. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Been a while since I've been on here but my dominique s are all laying well and doing amazing!
  2. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Ok, that makes a lot of sense. I'm amazed that they haven't noticed and tried to jump into the garden or yard yet, hopefully they won't....
  3. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Does anyone else find their dominiques to like climbing on things? All of mine are often on the top of my pheasant pens, 8ft up. They only have to jump four feet to climb up. With my other chickens they usually only climb up once before they seen to grow out. Is this a normal dominique trait or...
  4. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    No, it's something different
  5. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    it is kinda viney, purple or white flowers. And it easily gets over knee high. But I can't remember the name... I don't think it smells much when cut but is really wet and builds up on the mower.
  6. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Here's a decent picture, it was more curious then the others when I was looking. And there's no difference in leg color. Thanks for any help! Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk
  7. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    No saddle or rooster like tail feathers. It's possible the neck has some slightly pointed feathers. The plumage color Las little or no difference from the others.
  8. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Sorry for not saying it is the one on the back. They were hatched mid or late April. So 4ish months. Other than the face I don't see difference.
  9. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    I got lucky and was able to get close to them. There are the originals and a screen shot of me zooming in.
  10. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Sorry about the fuzziness, there two different birds and I don't even a major difference in feather color. The combs fatter in the questionable one.I'll go out in a bit and try to b get some better pictures
  11. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    I've been noticing that one of my dominiques is getting a reder and more developed comb and wattles versus the others. But there supposed to be all hens and there feathers appear the same. All of them hatched in April. Is it normal for a difference? I took some pictures and zoomed in on them so...
  12. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    I've had three roosters in a small flock without much of a problem, the old one, for me a silkie, claims his few favorite girls and the other rooster or roosters get the rest. If the roosters grew up together they should be fine
  13. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Just want to brag about dominiques in general, I was catching all my birds today to worm them and my doms agent that tame so they were running apps a lot. But as soon as we caught them they were amazingly calm, I got a few to sit on my arm before I let them go. Just another reason they are an...
  14. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    And a picture of then from a couple weeks ago, I managed to get all six in one picture Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk
  15. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Webby outside this evening and noticed a few dominiques having out ON my pheasant pens. it's hard to see but they are there, the of them.
  16. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    I've been kinda watching the last few days of discussion and it got me to wonder, (slightly off topic) what is the availability of Dominiques in Washington State? I haven't looked much but it doesn't seem like there is much. Only have heard two other people who have them in my area, one who we...
  17. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    huh, well, I intended to get all six in there, one probably snuck just out of the frame before I took the picture.
  18. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    That's just to keep the horses of the septic tank. Which is the only reason the grass is so green, it's our drain field. And there's a lot of things behind where I was and a thing or two to three right of the picture.
  19. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    This picture should have all my 6 dominique in it Sent from my SPH-L520 using Tapatalk
  20. PheasantsFirst

    Dominique Thread!

    Not very good pictures but they'll work. Here are my six Dominiques, hatched in April. Some may be pictures twice.
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