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  1. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Hi, all! A while back someone on thus thread said they had some friendly Marans from Ohio. I would live to find those if anybody knows who has them. We love our Doms but we'd like to add a few more Marans to the flock for the egg variety and the 3 we currently have are docile but definitely...
  2. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Our Dom roosters, 2 years old, we're surpassed by the Barnevelders in size when the Barnies hit about 8 months old. Dom hens are smaller than the Barnevelder hens. Dom and Swedish Flower girls are almost exactly the same size and shape, as are their eggs. That's on this farm at least!
  3. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

  4. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Yes, just have to agree - Doms are such perfect birds. Whether or not you ask for it, you may end up with some pets, there! Ours are such cuddles and are quite insistent on our affection when we're out with them.
  5. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Yeah, it sort of does look that way, doesn't it? :)
  6. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Wanted to share this neat pic where two of my Dom roosters posed for me, lined up perfectly!
  7. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Yes! There is no comparison. So sad to think I spent so many years never having had fresh eggs - and so sad to think how lots of people (most?) will never taste a fresh egg!
  8. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    We were at a hotel a while back and gave our 4 year old some eggs from the breakfast bar. He looked at them and said, "but they're not yellow." He had a few bites and then said, "these eggs are yucky." Ahh, so nice to have fresh eggs at home, isn't it?
  9. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    @blueclip Free-ranging as much as possible will get you those dark yolks. We supplement, especially this time of year, with a whole grain mixture we make ouselves, no pellets, but mostly they feed themselves. Our Marans eggs are a touch darker but our Dom eggs are nice and dark, too.
  10. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Ha! Such a great chicken story! Such funny little creatures!
  11. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    @Faraday40 That picture just made my day! One time I walked outside eating a sandwich and our alpha roo did that same move -jumped straight up - and snatched it out of my hand!
  12. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    You said your eggs are darker, right Alaskan?
  13. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    I got mine from a breeder, Nantahala Farm in NC. Love them! Our alpha roo is always on the job of lookout but he's so gentle with the hens and us. One if the other roosters insists on being held and carried around when we're outside. And the girls are great, too, of course.
  14. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    I'm sorry you haven't had good experience with your Dom boys, blueclip. I won't play a broken record too much, but our 3 are angels - so sweet, love human touch, and even protective of our young son. Like people, chickens are so individual in regards to temperament, aren't they?! Now...
  15. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    @blueclip And all of ours get along really well - no picking, a big happy family. In addition to the 3 Dom roosters, we have Dom hens, Swedish Flower hens, Barnevelders, BC Marans and one Ameraucana. Barnevelders have very similar personalities to the Doms - a great match that we've enjoyed...
  16. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    As for the egg color question - the girls knew you wanted a picture and pitched in to help! Center egg is a SFH egg; it is a peachier tone. It is flanked on both sides by 2 Dom eggs from two different hens. Cora's on the top side is darker than the Swede egg but Prudence's on the bottom side...
  17. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    Sorry for the delay, JulesChicks! Yes, mine are from Nantahala. My eggs are definitely not brown, sorry. But, they are beautiful, I think, with a lovely pinkish tone that the SFH eggs do not have. They also often have a speckling, too. I would not call them cream, but maybe pinkish beige...
  18. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    @Faraday40 Just saw the pic - so cute! - and a late Merry Christmas to you, too.
  19. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    A picture would be helpful, so thanks for posting. I have 2 Swedish Flower Hens, too, and their eggs are almost identical to my Dom eggs. (My Dom eggs are pretty much like the SFH eggs in your pic.) I can usually tell them apart, though, because the SFH eggs are slightly more pointed and a...
  20. THeelChickinKY

    Dominique Thread!

    For the egg color question, comparing my Dominique eggs to the BR eggs from my neighbor, they are not the same color. The BR are the typical tan of the brown eggs you get at the grocery store. Dominique eggs are lighter and more of a pinkish cream/beige. In my opinion, the Dom eggs are much...
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