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  1. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Interesting note on challenging inanimate objects. When they're experiencing their "puberty" they have different ways of expressing themselves. I told you that mine kept pecking all the hens away from food and during dust-bathing. Your guy likes to charge, but probably won't translate to...
  2. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    You're exactly where I was at 8 months ago with my dom rooster, and Alaskan and everyone on here did such a good job with giving me advice. My guy was food aggressive from 3-6 months old. Right around 7.5 months he turned into the biggest gentleman and still is to this day. I'm surprised that...
  3. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    What's wrong with her eye?
  4. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Is there a SOP for crowing? In other words, how should a dominique roosters crow sound like? My guy has a pretty nice crow but his voice is kind of high-pitched. Thoughts?
  5. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    None of mine sleep in the nest boxes. Let's assume that my new hens won't either, do you think 4 boxes will be enough for 9 hens for laying purposes?
  6. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Hey guys, I'm going to add 4 more hens to my flock very soon and was wondering if 4 nest boxes will be enough for 9 hens, let me know. Thanks.
  7. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    I agree. My doms are breeder stock and only 3 out 5 hens have the spike. My rooster doesn't even have the spike. But the three that do have it look cool!
  8. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Thought of something else: are dom roosters bigger than most if not all mainland european roosters like leghorns, barnevelders, ancona's etc?
  9. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Oh I understand that, I'm just curious, if not nosey :P
  10. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    What's the heaviest Dom rooster or hen you guys have ever had? If you were to compare your biggest dom to another breed, how big would you say it was? Example: "I had a dom rooster that was as big as an orpington rooster", or "A dom hen that was the size of a delaware."
  11. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    I have an interesting question about that. I know you gave the example of the father dom and his son, but what are the relationship dynamics between father roosters and their sons? I've seen a shamo father who is aggressive toward his son but the son does not want to fight him back. I'm just...
  12. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Here he is at almost 11 months old (will turn on june 9):
  13. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    So you guys know how I got those three 2.5 month old lorps? I had to physically put them outside to free-range today with my doms (they never wanted to go out when I would let everyone else out in the morning so today I put them out). All of a sudden as I'm bringing out the last one I hear...
  14. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    @ JediJinx, The coop is medium in size if not small for all 10 of them. They are free-ranging as we speak. The new guys stay in the coop while the doms are out and about. This is their second go-around, this morning I had to physically put the lorps outside to free-range but I had a nightmare...
  15. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    @JediJinx, you said a rooster will not cause drama unless its a mature rooster, it's obvious that at least two of these lorps are cockerels, will my dom rooster be mean to them once they grow up and he realizes theyre males? Also, how long will it take for these guys to fully integrate into the...
  16. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    I picked up these three 2.5 month old australorps today and dropped them into my coop of dominiques (rooster in flock) and they all got along. Well, I should say they mostly got along; it took a few minutes for a few of the hens to peck one of them and the rooster did not fight or peck ANY of...
  17. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    This hen is walking very slowly. Notice how her butt is in the ready position for pooping or egg laying. Do you think she's got an egg stuck up there? If so, what do I do? And is this fatal?
  18. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    I think this is a nice pose. He had one foot up because it was too cold for him, I took advantage. Possibly my new avatar pic too :)
  19. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    95% sure it's a rose. Might be too early to tell?
  20. blueclip

    Dominique Thread!

    Quickly going back to roosters and "U-shaped" backs, how is my guys back?:
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