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  1. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Not at all!!!
  2. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I am not sure about them tonight!!! I had two roosters deciding they needed a gang bang on every solitary female they found. I had to take swift action to prevent them from hurting the hens. I have one hen in the hospital from these two ruffians!
  3. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I like the comb! I am fighting combs it appears this year. It looks the U shape will do fine. I have an older guy that came through the winter unscathed, so I think I will be caging him soon for the fall shows. I need to make sure he stays out of the sun and can’t do something stupid while...
  4. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I have 2 barn cats I could not find names for so we call them, Grey Cat and Orange Cat.
  5. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I think I did not write very clearly. I have had great U shapes for several years now, but this years youngun's are not quite what I expected. I am hoping the butts will turn up soon. But it seems every year I fight a new problem that arises, Toes, combs, Tails, barring etc....arrrgh.... But...
  6. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    You may want to take a very critical look at the birds you plan to breed. Many SOP breeders find one bird out of 20 or birds. The chances of having a SOP bird in 4 is almost nil. That said I keep many non-Showbirds also. They become friends and pets...and give us eggs. Some of my favorite...
  7. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I have a few like that I would love to get rid of. I need to find a good rooster. I am not getting as much U shape to the back as I want, some of this years hatch are dished a little in the comb. I am at that awkward point, I had liked mine for several years and won the best of breed at most...
  8. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Are you planning to breed to the SOP or for your own backyard flock
  9. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

  10. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    The judges around here always seem to favor the smaller wattles when all else is equal. Of course, that could be inbred because if our frozen wattle tips too.
  11. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    I look for the weaknesses first so I know what to fix.... btw some of my favorite birds are not show birds..based on personality ... but I always look for the perfect bird.
  12. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    It seems when you get the good wattles.. the comb falls to pieces..the joys of breeding showbirds....awwwwwwww
  13. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Yep, that’s what I said.. nice rooster.. too bad the wattle is not smaller....
  14. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Nice rooster, but I see he has the same problem most of mine have...too large of wattles.
  15. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    :lau I saw a different article that said the out come would be always cushion combs,, obviously it was wrong,,, :lau:lau
  16. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    To this point, I will show you a picture of my toads comb. This comb was the result of a single comb mother and a cushion comb father...According to the charts it should not happen, but it did.
  17. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Can you rush the whole thing some, I doubt I have 20 years to wait.
  18. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Smaller and not happy. He had just got his Mareks vaccine and complained the whole time.
  19. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    Can you pick out the Dom?
  20. duluthralphie

    Dominique Thread!

    My hatch was a bust AGAIN!! I only had one DOM hatch, A little boy. I am changing roosters this week. I have one I was going to cull that grew into a nice looking young man.
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