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  1. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    I had to read up on the Spitz - they do look much like the Hamburg with a crest. They're described as being rather calm and people-friendly, is that true of yours? Leghorn is not a breed I have experience with. I have a friend who has a Rose Comb Brown Leghorn hen who is beautiful but avoids...
  2. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Turk, I adored my GSH. There's only one place I've been able to find the Golden Spangled variety and will be ordering more in the spring. Hamburg eggs are small comparatively so it takes twice as many when baking but my girl would lay for 10 days or so before having a day's break so running...
  3. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Thank you
  4. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Thank you for explaining. I guess my hens coloring isn't as off as I thought it was. I only acquired the hens a few months ago as two year olds so I'm not sure what the cause would be and figured it's best not to hatch her eggs just in case it is genetic.
  5. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Here's a better shot of his stance and both the Dom girls have that nice U-shape. Sadly, a week ago my Golden Spangled Hamburg lost her life to a Red Shouldered Hawk that's been lurking around. It ambushed her in front of my 11 year old daughter. The Golden Spangled variety is very...
  6. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    This is true, I hadn't considered that she may have lost it at some point. She also has very twisted toes...or at least the nails. I'm not sure if that's genetic or not. Could you please explain the difference between cuckoo coloring and barring?
  7. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    My cockerel's comb is still filling out and I'm pleased to see the point becoming considerably more prominent and the hollow even less so. I didn't have high expectations for it but it's turning out better than I thought it would. Photo quality isn't great but the basic idea/shape can be seen...
  8. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Thank you. I really appreciate everyone's input and patience with all my questions/doubt/paranoia. I've had several cockerels/roosters but never one I could just reach out and touch, let alone one who would actually climb onto my lap or be so content with affection. Granted, I'm brand new to...
  9. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    He certainly wasn't coming back at me, wasn't puffed up or chest bumping my leg, etc. Nothing like it. He really was just standing there. I guess maybe I'm a little paranoid - I don't want to be setting myself up for disappointment down the road by being in denial about bad behavior which is...
  10. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    I would love to get some more input from those who keep cockerels/roosters on my new guy's behavior yesterday. I've put the events posted in another thread in the spoiler below (sorry for the lengthy description, I just love writing): For the most part, things have been going on the same...
  11. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Here's a better shot of his comb. He's so curious about everything and is always on the move so it's difficult to get clear close ups but I caught him at the waterer. It's not as cavernous as the first image made it look.
  12. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    Not just with maturity either but when hens are laying vs. not laying. I notice the greatest difference in my Golden Spangled Hamburg. When she's laying, it's gorgeous. Nice and lush and full looking but when she's not, it's all shriveled, pale and a pullet just before POL.
  13. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    I too like smaller headgear. Maine winters have nothing on Alaska's but none of my rose or pea comb girls have ever experienced frostbite (the singles have) and I want to try to keep it that way with all my birds. Plus I just really love the rose. I had a choice between two cockerels. I chose...
  14. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    This is all comforting. Thank you!! I've had a really good gut feeling about him since I went to pick him up from his previous keeper. I guess my experience with the last cockerel has me questioning all behavior. He will rush up to me and stops a few feet away until I squat down and then...
  15. islandgirl82

    Dominique Thread!

    I agree with not keeping a poorly behaved one. Do you think I should be concerned with the current behavior of mine, the coming up for attention thing? I get the sense that he puts himself between the dog and me for my benefit but I could be wrong. So far, he doesn't fluff himself up or...
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