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  1. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    slightly, his comb will grow fairly fast, and he will probably take a gangley up right posture, if pullet it will be more squat
  2. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    Yes, i will do that, i think my hens are up to standard so i do want a superior Rooster
  3. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I have located a few, some pricey and some just drive to pick up, all within 3 hrs from me.
  4. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I am looking for a purebreed Dominique roo, i live in Louisiana and do not want to have one shipped a long distance, are there any breeders in the south or near Louisiana that i may get one from? Must be good quality breeding stock.
  5. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    Chickens will eat as long as they are awake because first and foremost they are forager's, like their ancestors, jungle fowl, once they start laying, scratch will interfere with egg laying because it doesn't contain the nutrients that are required for making eggs, laying hens should be on about...
  6. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    not really, are you providing grit along with scratch, and what type of scratch, chpped corn will break up differently than other formulated scratch, as long as they are drinking water they should be ok, just dont give as much scratch next time.
  7. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I am not getting Dom eggs yet, but should be in Oct., getting 9 BR eggs now, have 5 left to start, then 10 RSLs, 2 BAs and 2 RIRs, then 5 DOMs, then 4BSLs,then 4 DOMs, 6 WLs, and 16 EEs. YEP, gonna get busy in the next few months.
  8. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I am goimg with pullet
  9. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    You both came to the right place for answers, I have Dom chicks a few months old and are nice and easy to deal with, i only have 9, but a total of 77 of several breeds,Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Red Sex Links, Black Australorps, Black Sex Links, White Leghorns, and EEs, the DOMs are by...
  10. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    Sorry about your loss,
  11. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    OK, i have added photos, i am convinced they are all DOMs now.
  12. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I plan to as soon as my assistant shows up to take the photos while i pose the birds for the shots, they wont set still long enough to get a good photo, the rose cone ones are 10 weeks and the others i am guessing to be about 6 weeks old.
  13. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    Yes, Alaskan, you have a point, i do have Berred Rocks that are 17 weeks old, it seems to me the barring on the Doms is kind of irregular where as the BRs bariing is more defined, I know for a fact the 10 week olds are Doms and that is what matters most, even the younger ones seem to have a more...
  14. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    Their legs are dark, I am thinking Barred Rock also, actually, according to research, all true Doms have rose combs, all single comb barred chickens belong in the Plymouth Rock catagory. I will wait and see, their adult size, egg size will be the decidpng factor in the end.
  15. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    These are the 10 week rose comb. The other 3 are the aprox 5/6 week old single comb. chicks and they are way friendlier than the rose comb chicks, al 4 have set on my knee and slep today. None of my 70 + chicks have been this friendly. The Question i have is about single and double...
  16. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    You just can not go wrong with DOMs, also Buff Orpintons are said to be some of the sweatest chickens, but i have to recomend the DOMs.
  17. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    The Doms are 1 week older, The Doms were close to 3 weeks and the Blacks were close to 2 weeks in this photo, these photos are about 3 weeks old now, I work in the gulf 14&14, i will be home Friday, my wife says they try to escape the brooder everyday when she feeds them, she says they have out...
  18. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    I hear you, but we do not have many if any of the great horned owls, we do have an abundance of crows and blue jays that team up on owls and run them out of the area, but your point is well taken
  19. topdog24

    Dominique Thread!

    No offense taken, in fact that is very good information to pass along, I know what you are saying and avised others with the same advice, the one thing i worry about is the hawks, the fence is only to keep them in, i have a 95 lb boxer that would just love for a varment to come anywhere near, or...
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