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  1. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Exactly my point... American Dominiques and Black Javas were used to create Barred Rocks... you were the one who argued it was a Dominique game fowl and not an American Dominique.
  2. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Not according to this article from 1916 from the National Barred Rock Journal, that cites "American Dominique"...
  3. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    According to Barred Rock folks... BR's were created by crossing Doms and Black Javas. Here is a good comparison of Doms and BR's:
  4. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    The eggs we got from you did VERY well. We ended up with 10 hatching AND it looks like we have 2 boys, 7 girls and one we like to call "Pat" (Saturday Night Live reference ;) ), as we just aren't sure. Very pleased, can't wait to see how they look as they grow.
  5. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Love to see your documentation on this...
  6. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Chris, I disagree. The term was used by farmers concurrently. Here is the earliest mention you will find (I have been researching this topic for 2 years and have volumes of doc): "Tell me now, if you please, Merula," said Axius, "what I should know of raising and fattening poultry and wood...
  7. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Another interesting quote.... hardly considered a "pile of crap" in 1800
  8. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    While that is true in the Game Fowl world, prior to the 1870's you see Dunghill fowls mentioned in ledgers, journals, etc. Here is an interesting exerpt...
  9. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    The earliest reference I have to "American Dominique" is 1870 here: It appears that the term was used to describe the locale of the Dominique, not...
  10. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Chris, While I am not disagreeing with you, what is your take on these docs? The Farmers Bulletin (2nd link) does say American Dominique... however the first link just says Dominique. The 1st link has some pretty good history on barred rocks and the breeds used to create them...
  11. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Amy, If you cross a Dom hen with another breed of rooster, the female off spring will be all black and the males will be multi colored. When you come by I can show you some at various ages.
  12. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Neat idea..... I'm not sure how many have the trail back to the "original" breeder, though. I know I can only trace back a few generations and a couple of breeders back.
  13. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Lily has great stock, we have a roo or two from them, and they have a couple of our roo's as well.
  14. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Speckled Sussex. They are right nice and lively chicks also. I look forward to comparing them. We like our Speckled Sussex, but we like our Dom's better. Our Speckled Sussex are very messy, compared to our Dom's, that trait could just be our birds, though. They also don't seem to...
  15. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: I communicated with Mike a couple of weeks ago via email and he said he is sold out for the season.
  16. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Mine average about 5 eggs every 7 days. Free range birds on high end, penned up old birds on low end. About the same here.
  17. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Our Dominiques are in a unheated, but insulated, coop and it drops well below zero here for January and February. We have not lost one yet to cold (going on 3 years)
  18. vnsseed

    Dominique Thread!

    Quote: Ours are still skin and bones at 13 weeks. We waited a long time - 6 months - before processing, but it was well worth it for the flavor to develop. The egg output from ours seems to be OK, actually better than some of the other breeds in the winter - about 3 a week, which I think...
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