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  1. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    I tried carrying her around but she bit me when I went to get her. My right hand is shot so Im using my left hand now. She is still in isolation and she can see me interacting with the "others". I hope this helps. I am becoming afraid of her. I wanted to keep her for chicks because she is the...
  2. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    Thndrdancr, Flyman39, and FlightsofFancy Thank You for the good ideas to handle her. This morning I removed her from the rest of the chichickens and put her in an isolation cage but now I will go back out there and let her loose and I will try these methods that you have outlined for me. I am...
  3. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    I got her when she was a week old but she crowed as a youngster and seems to be the watchdog of the flock like a rooster is supposed to be. My big rooster buff orpington hides in the nest box at the least sign of trouble. What silly little chickens I have!!! EDIT: well I was just in there...
  4. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    Update: It didnt help to hit her-it just made it worse The next day she attacked me again- I just let her and showed her I wasnt a threat and she seems to be doing better now-(but she bit me three times on my hand and it bled) Now she is wary of me and I of her but she isnt attacking anymore-I...
  5. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    do you think its too harsh? hitting them?
  6. tiki244

    What do you do with naughty hens?????UPDATE

    One of mine took to charging me and pecking my hand and box kicking me a couple of days ago. well I slapped her across the face and grabbed her by the back of her neck and picked her up and yelled at her and said no and then put her back down. Has this happened to you? What do you do? By the...
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